Deadlines | Pre-Convention Hearings | Pre-Convention Day Workshops | Friday Movie + Panel Discussion | Full Schedule


August 27: (1) Nominations Due
(2) Resolutions Due

September 1: (1) Certification of Delegates Deadline (see: Certification page)
(2) Reports to Convention Due

October 1: (1) Necrology Due (form here)

October 4: (1) Last day to to book Marriott hotel room at the group rate (see: Hotel & Travel page)
(2) Deadline to request childcare

October 12: (1) Last day to Register to attend Convention (see: Registration page)
(2) No refunds after this date


Pre-Convention Hearings

Hearings are an opportunity to learn and ask questions about the budget and resolutions that will be brought to the convention floor. (Find the proposed budget & resolutions on the Delegate Materials page) These hearings not only provide valuable time for discussion, but they also help us keep on-floor discussion time during convention to a manageable amount, as many questions can be answered ahead of time during these hearings. All delegates are encouraged to attend, and everyone is welcome.

You must register to receive the Zoom link. Your link is unique to you, and is the same for all hearings.


Pre-Convention Day: Friday October 25


Afternoon Workshops 2-4PM

Take a dive into one of these topics with experienced and knowledgeable leaders!

Workshops are available to all registered Convention attendees. When you register, you’ll be asked to choose which (1) workshop you plan to attend.

Workshop 1: Everything has Changed: Discipling Youth in a Transformed World

Presented by: The Rev. Eric Rucker 

Mainline churches have traditionally sought to reach youth through models (like youth group and Sunday school) that were successful fifty years ago. But if students and families are living with significantly different challenges and values in 2024, how does youth ministry need to adapt? Join us for an educational session about what is happening with youth - including issues of social media and mental health - and an exploration of how youth ministry must change in order to disciple Generation Z.

Workshop 2: Christian nationalism: A threat to our democracy

Presented by: Connie Ryan, Executive Director Interfaith Alliance of Iowa

There is a movement in this country attempting to redefine what it means to be “Christian” and patriotic. Using fear and exclusion as tools to accomplish its mission -- power. It’s called Christian nationalism and its strength is growing in our nation and our state. What is Christian nationalism? What are its core beliefs and strategies? And what is the impact on our democracy and people it targets? Join us to learn about Christian nationalism and what we can do together to shift the tide.

Workshop 3: Re-visioning and Renewal: Genesis and the Regional Mission Initiative

Presented by: Steve Matthews, Rev. Tom Brackett, Rev. Cn. Meg Wagner with the Regional Missioners

Come and hear stories from congregations that had participated in Genesis II and hear about some of the path ahead for the congregations who are a part of the Regional Mission Initiative.


Movie + Panel Discussion 7-9PM

Join the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa for this special event: a screening of "The Philadelphia 11" film followed by a panel discussion with women clergy.

In 1974, a group of women and their supporters organized their ordination as Episcopal priests in an act of civil disobedience, and challenged the very essence of patriarchy within Christendom. This documentary film tells their story.

Delegates & Visitors (i.e. if you’re attending any part of diocesan convention besides the movie + panel): you’ll be asked whether you plan to attend the movie on your registration form - you do NOT need to fill out the RSVP form.

Guests (i.e. if you’re attending ONLY the movie + panel and no other part of convention weekend): you’ll need a ticket as seating is limited, so fill out a Guest RSVP form to receive a ticket.

This event is free to attend. A free-will donation will be available on-site.

Location: 3rd Floor, Des Moines Room at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown



(updated October 16, 2024)

Pre-Convention Day:

Friday October 25

All rooms listed are on the 3rd Floor of the Marriott

2:00-4:00 PM WORKSHOPS……….Hall of Cities

  1. Everything Has Changed: Discipling Youth in a Transformed World……….Council Bluffs Room

  2. Christian Nationalism: A Threat to Our Democracy……….Davenport Room

  3. Re-Visioning and Renewal: Genesis and the Regional Mission Initiative……….Cedar Rapids Room



Saturday October 26

All rooms listed are on the 3rd Floor of the Marriott
Everything is in the Des Moines Room, unless otherwise noted.

8:00 AM Morning Prayer


  • Opening Worship

  • Opening Business

  • Connecting and Connections 1

  • Nominations

  • Short Break

  • Election Voting Begins

  • Greetings from partners in ministry

  • Bishop’s Address

  • General Convention Report

  • Worship including Memorial Resolutions & Necrology

12:00 PM Lunch……….Hall of Cities

1:00 PM Election Voting Ends


  • Prayer

  • Connecting and Connections 2

  • 2025 Budget

  • Dwelling in the Word

  • St. Paul’s Cathedral

  • Resolutions

  • Short Break


  • Prayer

  • Bishop Kemper School for Ministry

  • Vision Discernment

  • Short Break


  • (Resolution Time if needed)

  • Companion Bishop Greetings

  • Election Results

  • Appointments and Final Business

  • Worship

5:00 PM Social Time……….Atrium


7:30-8:30 PM DANCE PARTY



Sunday October 27

8:00 AM Breakfast……….Hall of Cities 3rd Floor Marriott

9:15 AM Procession line up begins……….Marriott Lobby - main floor

9:30 AM Procession Leaves for Cathedral

10:00 AM EUCHARIST……….at St. Paul’s Cathedral, 815 High Street, Des Moines