Upcoming Events:

LGBTQ+ Youth Conference (6th-12th): April 11

The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa will have a table at the conference as well as a delegation. We are inviting youth 6th - 12th grade to join us at the conference. We will meet the morning of the conference at Prairie Meadows Conference Center. Schedule is pending and will be shared soon.

The annual Iowa Governor’s Conference on LGBTQ Youth was created in 2005 with the purpose of creating a safe space for LGBTQ youth in the Midwest to gather, show their pride, and learn about ways to advocate in their communities. Through the years, the conference has grown to be the largest LGBTQ youth conference in the nation, and has featured celebrity guest speakers from all walks of life, and is hosted by Iowa Safe Schools

Registration fee is $45 and is open until March 31. Scholarships are available. Fill out the form HERE.

EPIC 2025: Creation Care

June 16-20, Lutheran Lakeside Camp, Spirit Lake (4th-12th)

Discover the wonders of God's creation at EPIC summer camp. Where we will learn about how faith and environmental stewardship go hand in hand. Through engaging activities, inspiring worship, and hands-on projects, campers will learn how to care for the Earth as an expression of their faith. Come and be a part of a transformative experience that nurtures both the soul and the planet!

Mental Heath Funds Request Form

The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, through a GILEAD Grant, has limited funds to assist with co-payments for mental health related appointments. You may request incremental funds for up to $50 per appointment. A completed request form is required for each appointment. You must submit a receipt for reimbursement or have a bill sent to the Diocesan office. Funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.


Staff Contact

Amy Mellies, Missioner for Children & YoutH

Want to be in the know about all Youth Ministry news, events, and announcements? Join our Facebook Page Diocese of Iowa YOUTH and follow us on Instagram @DioIAyouth!

Offering formation opportunities as a church for your congregation? For resources at home, please click here. Also, be sure to check out this short video on Safe Church and Online spaces that cover guidelines for maintaining our Safeguarding God’s People guidelines in this new way of being church.

Requirements for Adults Volunteering or Working at Youth Events:

Must belong to a congregation for at least six months
Completed Safe Church Training (within 3 years)
State of Iowa Background Check
State of Iowa Sex Offender Registry Check
State of Iowa Driving Record