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Growing Iowa Leaders, Engaging All Disciples

GILEAD Grants help support and equip leaders, congregations, ministry initiatives, and worshipping communities across the state.

What are we noticing?

What questions are emerging?

What might God be up to or nudging us toward?

The 2024 application open period will be May 15-July 15, 2024. If you have questions/would like help in the “off-season” contact

Looking for some inspiration? Check out previous grant recipients:


2022 Grants

2021 Grants

2020 Grants

About GILEAD Grants:


Congregations, worshipping communities, chapters, or individual members of the Diocese of Iowa may apply for GILEAD funds. Partnerships with non-Episcopal entities are welcome and encouraged, but an Episcopal entity must serve as the reporting agent and the project leader must be an Episcopalian who is a resident in the Diocese of Iowa.


The grant application will be available beginning on May 15 and there are supporting documents available year-round on this page of our website. Applications may be submitted online May 15 - July 15, 2024 for the 2024 grant cycle. You can apply once per grant cycle, per project.


SEED—Applicants may apply for a one-time SEED grant. These are smaller grants geared to individuals or groups launching new projects or beginning a new aspect of an existing ministry to reach new people or in new places or in new ways.

GROWTH—Applicants may apply more than once for a GROWTH grant to grow the capacity and reach of congregations, worshipping communities, chapters, members of the diocese of Iowa, and/or community mission projects.

  • WHO: is being served? will be participating? will be involved in discernment, decision making, and implementation? is your main grant contact?

    WHAT: is the purpose of the project/idea? are the intended impacts and outcomes? grant amount are you requesting? are your other sources of support? 

    WHEN: will the project/idea happen? will monies be spent?

    HOW: does your project/idea fit with the mission of the church and/or diocese? will the funds be used? will you evaluate the impacts and outcomes?

    WHY: is this project/idea needed? are you passionate about it?

  • • Demonstration of strong partnerships and endorsements in writing, including clear support of this proposal as part of ongoing diocesan, congregational, chapter, and/or community priorities.

    • For GROWTH grants, demonstration of significant investment in the project (could be donations of space, resources, staff or volunteer time, or monetary commitment) by partners like a congregation, community partners, non-profits, or other entities.

    • A clear budget which shows additional sources of funding and planned use of grant funds

    • A timeline for use of funds and outcomes anticipated

    • A method for evaluating and reporting outcomes

  • GILEAD Grants are made possible by donations to the GILEAD Campaign. Click here to learn more about the Campaign.

  • • Schedule your appointment with the GILEAD Grant Review Committee online

    • Progress reports are due biannually (instead of quarterly)

    • After your applications is submitted: questions/clarifications requested by the committee are via email (instead of a 2nd Zoom meeting)

    • A few questions have been changed on the reporting forms to make submission easier (being able to upload photos to Progress Reports, asking what’s changed since your last report instead of describing your project, etc.)

    • Accounting Report is available as a fillable pdf form

Workshop: GILEAD Grants Overview
(from Spring 2021 Chapter Meeting)

How to Apply:


Before you submit your application:


1) Review the Grant Applicant Process

  • This is your go-to document for what you’ll need, when you’ll need it, and what to expect throughout the application and grant process

2) Set up a time to meet with the GILEAD Grant Review Committee (REQUIRED) to discuss your project/idea

See all available appointments and book online

Check out this video to learn more about your first meeting with the Grant Committee

3) Plan and prepare your application

  • “Prepare Your Application” has all of the questions from the Grant Applications (questions differ depending on grant category). We suggest preparing your answers in a word document so you can copy and paste them into the application, as there is no save option in the application itself.

Ready to submit your grant application?


1) Make sure you have these documents ready - you’ll need to upload them into the grant application:

  • Episcopal Endorsement Letter (REQUIRED)

  • Letters of support, statements of partnership, etc.

  • Budget (REQUIRED) (and any other supporting financial information)

2) Submit online anytime between May 15-July 15, 2024

  • Click on “Grant Application” only if you’re ready to submit it. If you want to know the questions on applications so you can plan your proposal, click on “Prepare Your Application” in the above section.

After you submit your application:


1) Submit your Grant Acknowledgment Processing form online

2) Look for and respond to an email following up on your application

  • You’ll have an opportunity to respond to committee questions about your application before a decision is made; you’ll have one week to provide answers/ clarifications, which will be due August 7.

3) You’ll receive an email notification of your application’s final status within a week after the September Board of Directors’ meeting

Forms you’ll need if your project is funded:

Fill out & submit online

Due biannually, on Mar. 15 and Sept. 15

Fill out & email to Traci (along with all accompanying expenditure documentation) OR mail to the diocesan office c/o Traci

Due yearly, on Sept. 15 (and upon project completion)

Fill out & submit online

Due upon project completion


Contact Traci Ruhland Petty
