What is God calling me/us to do?
Ministry is not relegated to only a few: all persons are called to ministry, and discerning God’s call is an ongoing process. The Episcopal Church of Iowa is a collection of faith communities that support each other in developing Christian discipleship among every member of each community. Recognizing that each of us has ministry gifts to contribute, the Episcopal Church of Iowa affirms the Ministry of all the Baptized.
Ministry Vocations
The laity are the people of the church, those who have been baptized, and generally refers to those who have not been ordained. The ministry of lay persons includes bearing witness to Christ wherever they may be.
Some lay ministries require licensure, including: Pastoral Leader, Worship Leader, Preacher, Eucharistic Minister, and Eucharistic Visitor
A member of a monastic or religious community who has taken vows. This person has a voice in the chapter (legislative gathering) of the community.
Ordination is the sacramental rite of the church by which God gives authority and the grace of the Holy Spirit through prayer and the laying on of hands by bishops to those being made bishops, priests, and deacons
Deacons assist bishops and priests in all of this work, and have special responsibility to minister in Christ’s name to the poor, the sick, the suffering, and the helpless
Priests are associated with bishops in the ministry of church governance, along with the church’s ministry of missionary and pastoral work, in preaching of the Word of God, and in the administration of the sacraments.
Bishops carry on the apostolic work of leading, supervising, and uniting the church.
Ministry Development Teams
A Ministry Development Team in a congregation guides and supports all members of the congregation in developing their gifts and ministries given by God. The decision for a congregation to identify and support a Ministry Development Team and Collaborative Leadership is guided by the Bishop, Vestry and the Commission on Ministry. Once the congregation has determined to move in this direction, the process called “The Iowa Curriculum” begins. The Commission on Ministry travels with the team as it works through the process of formation and education. A mentor also travels with the team in its work.
Marks of Baptismal Communities - a resource developed by the Ministry of All the Baptized Task Force in Iowa.
New Growth in God's Garden: Transforming Congregations through Mutual Ministry - a book by Margaret A Babcock. The book is full of useful tools to help your congregation engage in mutual ministry development.