The Behavioral Mental Heath Team works to identify, support, educate and develop parish ministry along with support groups for clergy throughout the diocese. We also provide educational opportunities for those around the diocese which may include training in depression, suicide assessment, mental health first aid, and resources for referral and treatment.


Upcoming Events:


Summer Ministry School & Retreat Track 3: Soul Shop

June 14-16, Grinnell

Soul Shop™ is an interactive workshop designed to equip the faith community to support those impacted by suicidal desperation. 

In this workshop, you will learn how to:

  • Prevent suicide within your community

  • Recognize suicide risk factors and warning signs

  • Approach someone at risk and if they might be thinking of suicide 

  • Provide companionship to those grieving a loss from suicide

  • Know what the Bible has to say about suicide

  • Integrate suicide prevention into the life and mission of the church

Suicide is a significant public health concern, and it calls for a response from our communities. We believe that every congregation is in a unique position to offer hope and healing to those affected by suicide. Learn more at

Track Leader: David Galvan has been deeply involved in teaching, training, and facilitating conversations on holistic health for individuals since 2010. He holds certification as a trainer in Adverse Childhood Experiences, focusing on trauma-informed care. Additionally, he is a certified trainer of QPR (Question. Persuade. Refer), Youth & Teen Mental Health First Aid, and a Soul Shop™ trainer. David is dedicated to the belief that every individual should have access to help, healing, and hope.


Mental Heath Funds Request Form

The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, through a GILEAD Grant, has limited funds to assist with co-payments for mental health related appointments. You may request incremental funds for up to $50 per appointment. A completed request form is required for each appointment. You must submit a receipt for reimbursement or have a bill sent to the Diocesan office. Funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.



NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Health) of Central Iowa’s goal is to inspire better lives for Central Iowans affected by mental illness. They work to achieve this goal through support programs, educational outreach, and advocacy on local, state and national levels.

Mind & Spirit Counseling Center offers high-quality mental health services to people from all walks of life, including those who are uninsured, underinsured or from low-income households.

Mindspring Mental Health Alliance provides no-cost mental health education, support, and advocacy programs. All of Mindspring’s programs feature evidence-based curriculum and are available to all community members.

