Iowa Connections Magazine
Iowa Connections is a publication of the Diocese of Iowa, printed and distributed to provide a unique perspective on the church across the Diocese of Iowa. This magazine is to be used as a teaching and ministry resource by clergy and laity, and is published twice yearly. Diocesan policy requires that every Episcopal household receive this biannual mailing.
Most Recent Issue:

Summer 2025 issue:
Content due: Monday April 14
(magazine should arrive in mailboxes the 1st week of June)
Winter 2025 issue:
Content due: November 14
(magazine should arrive in mailboxes the 4th week of December)
Length: aim for a minimum of a half page and maximum of 2 pages
a half page article is about 350-400 words, and a longer/full page is closer to 750 words
Pictures: try to get active shots and shots with people, in addition to a few of the project itself
Quotes: include a couple quotes from others present/involved on their experience/why they care/how their faith influences this work
Writing Prompts:
Remember that articles aren't just details/facts - it's about storytelling - sharing stories about what God is doing in our people, in our place
Have a strong opening sentence (don't "bury the lead") - hook readers with the first sentence to draw them into reading the full article
Have a strong concluding sentence/paragraph - wrap things up, but invite folks to action of some kind (i.e. thinking about how they might be involved with something similar)
Consider the who, what, where, when, why, and how, including:
What did you do/what happened? (assume those reading are hearing about this for the 1st time, so have enough context for it to make sense)
Who was involved? How did this come together?
Why should we care about this as Episcopalians/Christians?
How did/does your faith influence this work?
What stood out to you during this project/experience?
Where do you see God moving in this experience/community?
Click on any image to view magazine as a PDF.