Upcoming Events:
Mark your calendars for these additional young adult retreat opportunities, in partnership with The Benedictine Way in Omaha, NE.
April 5th in West Des Moines
Come and explore the question of how Jesus calls us to seek justice for and stand with the poor and marginalized. This retreat will be led by Oblates of The Benedictine Way and is at St. Timothy's in West Des Moines. It's free to attend & lunch is included. RSVP by March 27.
August 1-3, 2025 at Creighton Retreat Center
More info to come…
Grant Opportunities
GILEAD Grants are available in several categories, including “Formation for Youth or Young Adults.” The 2024 grant application period is closed. The 2025 application period opens May 15, 2025 and closes July 15, 2025.
young adult and campus ministry grants
The Episcopal Church offers grants each year to assist with Young Adult and Campus Ministries throughout the church. These grants are intended to provide funding for an Episcopal ministry (or ecumenical ministry with an Episcopal presence) in a diocese, congregation, or college/university that is currently engaging in or seeking a new relationship with young adults on and off college campuses. This is a three-step process that includes discernment and planning, writing the application, and online submission. The next grant cycle opens August 2024. Keep up-to-date by following their Facebook page.
Service Corps
the benedictine way
Live in Christian Community on The Benedictine Way’s campus in North Omaha with other young adults, deepen your prayer life, and serve the poor, hungry, and marginalized through one of The Benedictine Way’s service programs:
The Benedictine Service Corps:
a yearlong program for young adults age 21+
it runs late August - early June
The Young Adult Residency:
for young adults age 18+
has flexible timing - the applications are rolling and start dates may begin anytime during the year - and there’s a 2 month minimum stay
Questions? Contact Br. James Dowd
Young Adult Service Corps Placements
Applications for placements with the Young Adult Service Corps (YASC), the international missionary program of The Episcopal Church open each year. YASC offers Episcopalians ages 21-30 the opportunity to follow the Way of Love into deeper relationship with God and the global Anglican Church while spending a year living and working with communities around the world. Learn more here.
Episcopal service corps
Episcopal Service Corps is a network of locally organized and incorporated programs dedicated to providing Young Adults ages 21-32 with opportunities to serve others in solidarity, promote justice in community, deepen their spiritual awareness and vocational discernment, while living simply in intentional community.
service corps emergency funds
The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, through a GILEAD Grant, has limited funds to assist service corps members with emergency or travel funds. Fill out the form for assistance with travel to and from home, moving expenses, car repairs, medical emergencies, etc. The funds will be given out on a first come, first serve basis. Please fill out the form to be reimbursed for your emergency expenses.
Who are young adults?
When we use the term young adults in terms of diocesan ministry, we are primarily referring to people between the ages of 18-40ish (although there is no concrete age range). Young adults might be in college (including community colleges and universities), working full or part time in the community, serving in the armed forces, unemployed, living at home with their parents, raising children of their own, or might be a combination of these and other factors. While the needs of young adults are diverse, there are a number of similarities among those in this demographic.
Need help getting connected?
Whether you're new to Iowa and looking for a local congregation, a student looking for a campus ministry or leaving this region for a new job or school, we'd love to help you get connected. Contact: Traci Ruhland Petty 515-850-5217
2023 Pilgrimage Video
Thank you to everyone who made this event possible! We were thrilled to host the third leg of a young adult pilgrimage with our companion dioceses of Brechin in Scotland and Swaziland in Eswatini last August.
Congregation guide
Is your congregation wondering where to get started in young adult ministries? The Discerning Young Adult Ministry guide will help you determine what's next.
Campus Ministries
University of Iowa: Trinity Episcopal Church, Iowa City
Iowa State University: St. John's by the Campus Episcopal Church, Ames
University of Northern Iowa: Threehouse (an ecumenical campus ministry)
St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Cedar Falls
Grinnell College: St. Paul's Episcopal Church, Grinnell
Northwestern College: Church of the Savior, Orange City
Luther College: Grace Episcopal Church, Decorah
Society of Campus Ministers: Campus Ministers, lay and ordained, working with Episcopal campus ministries and ecumenical campus ministries that include Episcopalians.
Exploring the Bible: free curriculum for churches and groups by Forward Movement. 26 sessions, available for all age groups, that "uncovers the vast, sweeping story of God's extraordinary love for ordinary people, in a clear and easy-to-follow format.
Young Adult Formation Resources from FORMA
Dwelling in the Word: a missional practice of Bible Study that can be used with children through adults.