June 20-22, 2025 at Grinnell College
Photo: SMSR Sunday Eucharist, 2024
Worship, Learning, and Fun
For over 30 years Episcopalians in Iowa have gathered for a weekend in the summer to learn church leadership skills, explore personal spirituality, or just find Sabbath time. Praying together sets a rhythm and tone for the weekend that culminates in Eucharist on Sunday morning. During the weekend, 8 hours are set aside for “track time” to get in‐depth study in one track topic of your choice (track offerings change each year), or choose to do a solo retreat. Spend time catching up with friends and making new ones during meals and morning and evening social times, and enjoy free time built into the weekend’s schedule to socialize, rest, or do an activity.
Quick Links:
We gather to worship and rest in God.
Multiple opportunities to worship together throughout the weekend, culminating in Sunday Eucharist.
Choose one track to delve into during 8 hours of study/discussion/play. Some tracks require advance reading, some don’t, some tap into your creativity, others are more informational all are designed to help you find new ministry or renew you for the ministry you are already doing.
Built in social time and free time throughout the weekend. Early bird social time in the morning, with coffee of course! Night owl social time in the evening, with snack food potluck, where friendships have been known to flourish.
Around Campus
Grinnell College offers air conditioned dorm living across the field from the Joe Rosenfield Center (JRC) building where all meals, social time, track classrooms and worship take place. We even provide golf cart transportation between dorms and the JRC!
Joe Rosenfield Center (JRC)
Converse, Read, Journal, or Nap
Grinnell College Campus and dorms offer many quiet spaces both indoors and outdoors that you can use to create a sacred space for your own renewal.
Enjoy Grinnell
The Grinnell Family Aquatic Center is only blocks from campus (admission is $4-5); bike route maps are available, or visit the library or shops downtown. There are also walking tours for art and architecture.
Retreat Co-Directors:
The Rev. Abigail Livingood
The Rev. Catherine Schroeder
Questions? Contact Us:
Email Elizabeth Adams: eadams@iowaepiscopal.org
Call: 515-277-6165