
February 21:  All event information online and online registration open

May 9:  Early Bird & Childcare Deadline

  • end of early bird $25.00 discount

  • Deadline to request childcare - if no one requests childcare by this date, it will not be provided at the event

May 23:  Tracks Finalized - tracks with insufficient or maximum enrollment move registrants to their 2nd choice track. 

June 6:  Registration & Payment Deadline

  • No refunds for cancellations on or after this date

  • Payment deadline for registrations unless special arrangements have been agreed upon

June 13:  Orientation email sent to participants

June 20-22: Event Itself


Weekend Schedule

  • CHECK IN: All Participants should stop by the outdoor registration area on East Street between 8th & 10th Avenues between 2:00-6:00 pm to pick up name tags, meal tickets, and dorm room keys (look for the tent). LATE CHECK IN: call 515-277-6165 to arrange an on campus meeting place for checking in.

  • All other activities are within the Joe Rosenfield Building (JRC) - see map below.

  • MEALS: all are in the Marketplace Dining Hall in the JRC

  • CHECK OUT: Most participants clear out of their dorm rooms before 9:30am and store their luggage in their car, or at the info desk at JRC until after lunch. Drop your dorm key and name tag off either at the JRC information desk, or in the lunch line after Eucharist on Sunday. EARLY CHECK OUT: at the JRC information desk or call Elizabeth Adams.

  • FYI Our hope is to have a pot of coffee available in the Lazier Hall Lobby during all published “Free Time”

Friday, June 20, 2025

2:00pm-6:00      CHECK-IN (Outdoors on East Street)

5:00pm-5:45      Dinner

6:00pm-6:30     Welcome & Orientation Exercise (Room 101)

6:45pm-8:15      GATHER IN TRACK GROUPS

8:30pm-9:00     Evening Worship (Room 101)

9:00pm               Night Owl Social Time (Grill)


Saturday, June 21, 2025

6:45am-7:30      Early Bird Social Time (Grill)

7:30am-8:00      Morning Prayer (Room 101)

8:00am-8:45      Breakfast

9:00am-11:30    GATHER IN TRACK GROUPS

11:30am-11:50  Noonday Prayer (Room 101)

Noon-12:45  Lunch

1:00pm-2:15      GATHER IN TRACK GROUPS

2:15pm-4:00      FREE TIME

4:00pm-5:45      GATHER IN TRACK GROUPS

6:00pm-6:45      Dinner

7:00pm-8:00      GATHER IN TRACK GROUPS

8:15pm-8:45      Evening Worship (Room 101)

9:00pm               Night Owl Social Time (Grill)

Sunday, June 22, 2025

Dorm Check Out time is 9:30am

6:30am-8:00      Early Bird Social Time (Grill)

8:00am-8:45      Breakfast

8:45am-9:15      FREE TIME to load out of dorms

9:30am-10:30 Coffee Hour and Listening Time

10:45am-Noon Holy Eucharist (Room 101)

Noon-12:45  Lunch