Deepening our connection as one diocese to transform ourselves, our communities, and the world for Christ.
Thank you to everyone who attended and made the 172nd Annual Diocesan Convention possible!
Convention Closing Eucharist
Updates from Convention:
Agenda (updated 10/22/24)
Constitution & Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa
Necrology Form (due October 1)
Nominations Report to Convention
Proposed Rules of Order for 2024 (& see video)
Resolutions Report to Convention (updated 10/24/24)*
Reports to Convention (9/27/2024)
Addendum to the Reports to Convention (updated 10/18/2024)
*the Resolutions Report uploaded 10/16/24 pdf cut off “Convention or directed by Canon.” at the end of the “Resolved” section in 172A - the 10/24 update corrects this error.
For individuals to use in your personal prayer lives; and vestries, small groups, and congregations to use in collective prayer.
Congregations are welcome to use the logo from Convention for your stewardship campaign and/or other communications from now up until our 2025 Annual Diocesan Convention.
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