Bishop’s Address

The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot

Convention Eucharists

Offering Collected for Episcopal Relief and Development: $1,219

Offering Collected for American Friends of the Episcopal Diocese of Jerusalem: $1,893.45

  • Diocesan Pension Fund Administrator: Ms. Anne Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

    Editor of Iowa Connections: Ms. Traci Ruhland Petty, Diocese of Iowa

    Companion Diocese Coordinators
    Diocese of Brechin:
    Mr. Jim Conger, New Song, Coralville
    Diocese of Swaziland: The Rev. Stacey Gerhart, St. Thomas’, Sioux City serving with co-coordinator Ms. Amy Mellies, St. John’s, Ames
    Diocese of Nzara: The Rev. Abigail Livingood, Trinity Church, Waterloo

    Diocesan Ecumenical Officer: The Rev. Kyle Carswell, St. Timothy’s, West Des Moines

    Diocesan Altar Guild Director: Ms. Stephanie Murphy, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Diocesan Disaster Relief Coordinator: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s, Shenandoah

    Episcopal Relief & Development Ministry Partner: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s, Shenandoah

    United Thank Offering Coordinator team: The Rev. Diane Eddy and Mr. David Eddy

    Commission on Ministry
    Reappointed with Terms Expiring 2026:
    Ms. Vicky Matthiessen Krause, Christ Church, Burlington
    Ms. Karen McCallan, St. John’s, Glenwood
    The Rev. Melody Rockwell, Christ Church, Cedar Rapids
    The Rev. Anne Williams, St. Mark’s, Anamosa
    New Appointments with Terms Expiring 2026:

    The Rev. Alice Haugen, St. Paul’s, Durant
    Mr. Harvey Nicholson, St. Matthew’s by the Bridge, Iowa Falls
    Members Continuing with Terms expiring 2025:
    The Hon. Greg Jones, St. Thomas', Sioux City
    The Rev. Jane Stewart, New Song, Coralville
    Ms. Sarah Thompson, Grace, Cedar Rapids
    The Rev. John Greve, Grace, Cedar Rapids
    The Rev. Kevin Powell, Trinity, Muscatine
    Ms. Keila Eddy, Grace, Cedar Rapids
    Members Continuing with Terms Expiring 2024:
    The Rev. Stephen Benitz, St. John’s, Mason City
    The Rev. Jean Davis, St. Paul’s, Des Moines
    The Rev. Kris Leaman, St. Mark’s, Fort Dodge
    Ms. Deb Leksell, Good Shepherd, Webster City
    Ms. Jenna Parker, St. Timothy’s, West Des Moines

    Professional Development Leave Committee
    New Appointment with Term Expiring 2026:
    Mr. Dale Schirmer, St. John’s, Mason City; member of the Board of Directors
    Members Continuing with Terms Expiring 2025:
    The Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich, St. John’s, Dubuque
    Dr. David Smith, Grace Church, Decorah
    Members Continuing with Terms Expiring 2024:
    Dr. Catherine Gillespie, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines
    The Rev. Dr. Mary Jane Oakland, St. John’s, Ames

    Diocesan Historiographer: Dr. Hal Chase, St. Andrew’s Church, Des Moines

    Diocesan Representative to Province VI Council 
    (3-yr terms; per 2022 convention action)
    Member Continuing:

    Ms. Ann McLaughlin (2026), Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster City
    New Appointment:

    The Rev. Catherine Schroeder, Grace Church, Boone (2026)

    Bishop Kemper School for Ministry, diocesan representatives on Board:
    Ms. Deb Leksell, Church of the Good Shepherd. Webster City
    Ms. Greta Muller Levis, St. John’s by the Campus, Ames
    New/clergy appointment:
    The Rev. Canon Kathleen S. Milligan, St. Stephen’s, Newton

  • Secretary of Diocesan Convention (from 2012/160th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Iowa through to this 171st: The Rev. Canon Kathleen S. Milligan

    Board of Directors: Jolene Phelps; Donald Keeler; Diane Eddy; Charles Morrie Bryant; Kris Leaman; Elizabeth Duff Popplewell - Standing Committee president

    Commission on Ministry: Mel Schlachter; Kevin Sanders, chair

    Professional Development Leave committee: Kevin Sanders

    Diocesan Ecumenical Officer, completing many years of service: Jean McCarthy

    Global Missioner: Melody Rockwell

    Summer Ministry School & Retreat co-coordinators 2023:
    Jane Stewart (completing service)

    (continuing: Abigail Livingood, Jean Davis)


  • Diocesan Pension Fund Treasurer: Ms. Anne Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

    Editor of Iowa Connections: Ms. Traci Ruhland Petty, Diocese of Iowa

    Companion Diocese Coordinators
    Diocese of Brechin:
    Mr. Jim Conger, New Song, Coralville
    Diocese of Swaziland: The Rev. Stacey Gerhart, All Saints’, Storm Lake and St. Thomas’, Sioux City – serving with co-coordinator Ms. Amy Mellies, Ames
    Diocese of Nzara: The Rev. Abigail Livingood, Trinity Church, Waterloo

    Diocesan Global Missioner: The Rev. Melody N. Rockwell, Christ Church, Cedar Rapids

    Diocesan Ecumenical Officer: The Rev. Jean McCarthy, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Diocesan Altar Guild Director: Ms. Stephanie Murphy, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Diocesan Disaster Relief Coordinator: The Rev. Holly Scherff
    Seeking team members to serve – If you are interested in Iowa Relief coordination work, contact the Bishop's office

    Episcopal Relief & Development Ministry Partner: The Rev. Holly Scherff

    United Thank Offering Coordinator team: The Rev. Diane Eddy and Mr. David Eddy

    Commission on Ministry
    Reappointed, with terms expiring 2025:
    The Hon. Greg Jones, Sioux City, St. Thomas'
    The Rev. Jane Stewart, Coralville, New Song
    Ms. Sarah Thompson, Cedar Rapids, Grace

    New appointments  (terms expiring 2025):
    The Rev. John Greve, Cedar Rapids, Grace
    The Rev. Kevin Powell, Muscatine, Trinity

    Members continuing with Terms Expiring 2023:
    Ms. Vicky Matthiessen Krause, Burlington, Christ Church
    Ms. Karen McCallan, Glenwood, St. John’s
    The Rev. Melody Rockwell, Cedar Rapids, Christ
    Mr. Kevin Sanders, chair, Cedar Falls, St. Luke’s
    The Rev. Mel Schlachter, Iowa City, Retired
    The Rev. Anne Williams, Anamosa, St. Mark’s

    Terms Expiring 2024:
    The Rev. Stephen Benitz, Mason City, St. John’s
    The Rev. Jean Davis, Des Moines, St. Paul’s
    The Rev. Kris Leaman, Fort Dodge, St. Mark’s
    Ms. Deb Leksell, Webster City, Good Shepherd
    Mr. CJ Petersen, Denison, Trinity
    Mr. John Stender-Custer, Des Moines, St. Paul’s

    Professional Development Leave Committee
    Terms Expiring 2025:
    The Rev. Dr. Kevin Goodrich, Dubuque, St. John’s
    Dr. David Smith, Decorah, Grace Church

    Continuing with other ongoing members:
    Dr. Catherine Gillespie, Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Des Moines
    The Rev. Dr. Mary Jane Oakland, Diocese of Iowa
    Mr. Kevin Sanders, Cedar Falls, St. Luke’s; COM chair

    Diocesan Historiographer: Dr. Hal Chase, St. Andrew’s Church, Des Moines

    Diocesan Representative to Province VI Council (continuing): Ms. Ann McLaughlin (2025), Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster City


“The Existential Crisis of Community and the Path Forward”

Br. James Dowd, OSB, Prior of The Benedictine Way in Omaha, Nebraska


    Diocesan Pension Fund Treasurer: Ms. Anne Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

    Editor of IOWA CONNECTIONS: The Rev. Meg Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

    Companion Dioceses Coordinators: Diocese of Brechin - Mr. Jim Conger, New Song, Coralville, Diocese of Swaziland - The Rev. Stacey Gerhart, All Saints’, Storm Lake/St. Thomas’, Sioux City, Diocese of Nzara - Mr. Ray Gaebler, and Abigail Livingood, St. Timothy’s Church, West Des Moines

    Global Missioner (including oversight of Global Goals): The Rev. Melody N. Rockwell, Cedar Rapids

    Ecumenical Officer: The Rev. Jean McCarthy, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Altar Guild Director: Ms. Stephanie Wells, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Disaster Relief Coordinator: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s Church, Shenandoah
    Seeking team members – especially from the Central Iowa and the Eastern Iowa regions. If you are interested in Relief coordination work, contact Holly Scherff, also our Episcopal Relief & Development rep.

    Episcopal Relief & Development representative: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s Church, Shenandoah

    United Thank Offering Coordinator (team): The Rev. Diane and Mr. David Eddy

    Commission on Ministry
    Re-appointments with Terms Expiring 2024:
    The Rev. Stephen Benitz, St. John’s Church, Mason City
    Ms. Deb Leksell, Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster City

    New appointments, Term Expiring 2024:
    The Rev. Jean Davis, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines
    The Rev. Kris Leaman, St. Mark’s Church, Fort Dodge
    Mr. CJ Petersen, Trinity Church, Denison

    New appointment (Term Expiring 2023):
    Ms. Vicky Matthiessen Krause, Christ Church, Burlington

    New appointments, (Term Expiring 2022):
    Ms. Sarah Thompson, Grace Church, Cedar Rapids
    The Rev. Jane Stewart, New Song, Coralville

    Professional Development Leave Committee Terms Expiring 2024:
    Dr. Catherine Gillespie, Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Des Moines
    Dr. Mary Jane Oakland, Diocese of Iowa

    Diocesan Representative to Province VI Council:
    Ms. Ann McLaughlin, Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster City

    Diocesan Historiographer: Dr. Hal Chase, St. Andrew’s Church, Des Moines

  • for our companion Diocese of Swaziland, for use as locally discerned to meet greatest need, and as they work supporting children and families impacted by current troubles.

    Click Here to donate online


Friday Holy Eucharist

Sunday Holy Eucharist

July 31, 2021 at 1:00pm at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown


The special convention to elect the 10th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa was held July 31st at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown, beginning at 1:00pm.

  • According to the Diocese of Iowa’s Constitution, Article III, each Priest and Deacon canonically resident and who is not under ecclesiastical discipline, shall be entitled to seat and vote in this Convention. A minister ordained in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America who, with the permission of the Bishop, serves a congregation in this Diocese, shall have a seat and vote in this Convention.

    Lay delegates are elected by each church for this Convention. Each church is entitled to one delegate for each 75 communicants in good standing. Lay delegates must be confirmed adult communicants in good standing. A vacancy in the delegation shall be filled as provided for in Article III, Sec. 3 of the Constitution.

    Additionally, the Archdeacon, the Executive Secretary, the Chancellor, the Convention Secretary, the Treasurer, the Historiographer, and the Registrar of the Diocese, each shall be entitled, ex officio, to a seat and vote in the Convention. Any lay member of the Standing Committee who is not otherwise elected as a congregational delegate to Convention shall be entitled, ex officio, to a seat, voice, and vote in Convention. Eight youth delegates (ages 16-18), appointed by the Bishop upon the recommendation of the diocesan Missioner for Children, Youth and Young Adults, shall also have seat, voice, and vote at the Convention.

  • Unlike the elections that occur at our regular conventions, we will NOT use a Hare Transferable Ballot. The procedure for voting for a bishop is governed by Article X of the Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa. Article X states, “The election of a Bishop, or of a Bishop Coadjutor, or of a Suffragan Bishop, of the Church in this Diocese shall be made in Convention by a concurrent vote of the Clergy and of the Laity, the two Orders voting by ballot, separately, in open Convention; and when all the votes of both Orders shall have been deposited, the tellers of the Clerical and of the Lay vote, respectively, shall proceed to count the votes, and if, among those voted for, one shall be found to have received upon the same ballot a majority of the votes of the Clergy and a majority of the votes of the Laity, that one shall be declared duly elected.”

    Voting will be done in-person, electronically. Each delegate should be prepared to have a phone, tablet, or laptop with them, or make arrangements to borrow one, for the special convention. In order to vote, each delegate will need to have access to their email account that was used on their registration.

  • The convention will be in session until a bishop is elected and the meeting is adjourned. This could take one hour or it could take several hours. It is possible that it could take multiple ballots. Recesses will be taken for meals and other breaks, if needed. All delegates are expected to remain present until the convention is adjourned.

  • It is important for delegates to remain in the ballroom at the conclusion of the election. Immediately following the election, all delegates will be required to sign the Canonical Testimony of Election. Once that is complete, the bishop-elect will be invited to address the convention. Please plan to remain in your seat until convention is adjourned.

  • The election must be consented to within 120 days by a majority of bishops with jurisdiction and a majority of Standing Committees across The Episcopal Church. Once the bishop-elect has completed the required post-election tasks, and the necessary consents have been obtained, the elected candidate will be ordained as Bishop of Iowa at a service at which the Presiding Bishop of the Episcopal Church, the Most Reverend Michael Curry presides. The service has been scheduled for December 18, 2021. All Iowa Episcopalians are invited and encouraged to participate in this joyful celebration of new ministry. Bishop Alan Scarfe will retire when the next called bishop is consecrated.


2020 Convention - Virtual

  • The convention was held online using the Whova app.

    3 Plenary Sessions gathered Delegates and visitors on October 24, 2020 and
    The 168th Convention is now in recess until May 1st of 2021.

    10:00 AM   Plenary One 

    12:45 PM    Plenary Two

    2:45 PM     Plenary Three

    Pre-registration was required in order to receive log in details and instructions for downloading the Convention App, called Whova,

    There were opportunities to practice and test connectivity on October 17 and 22

  • Diocesan Pension Fund Treasurer: Ms. Anne Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

    Editor of Iowa Connections: The Rev. Meg Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

    Companion Dioceses Coordinators:
    Diocese of Brechin: Mr. Jim Conger, New Song, Coralville
    Diocese of Swaziland: The Rev. Stacey Gerhart, All Saints, Storm Lake/Calvary, Sioux City
    Diocese of Nzara: Mr. Ray Gaebler, St. Timothy’s Church, West Des Moines

    Co-Global Missioners (including oversight of Global Goals): The Rev. Melody N. Rockwell, Cedar Rapids; The Rev. Suzanne Peterson, Des Moines

    Ecumenical Officer: The Rev. Jean McCarthy, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines 

    Altar Guild Directress: Ms. Stephanie Wells, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Disaster Relief Coordinator: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s Church, Shenandoah 

    Episcopal Relief & Development representative: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s Church, Shenandoah

    United Thank Offering Coordinator: The Rev. Richard Graves, St. Paul’s Church, Marshalltown

    Diocesan Representative to Province VI Council Continuing A Three-year term ending 2022: The Rev. Zebulun, (Zeb) Treloar, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Diocesan Historiographer: Dr. Hal Chase, St. Andrew’s Church, Des Moines

    Commission on Ministry
    Re-appointments with Terms Expiring 2023: The Rev. Mel Schlachter, Iowa City; Mr. Kevin Sanders, St. Luke’s Church, Cedar Falls
    New appointments, Terms Expiring 2023: The Rev. Kim Turner Baker, St John’s by the Campus, Ames; The Rev. Hal Ley Hayek, Christ Church, Cedar Rapids; Ms. Karen McCallan, St. John’s Church, Glenwood
    Terms Expiring 2021: Ms. Annaleah Moore, St. Paul’s, Council Bluffs; The Rev. Stephen Benitz, John’s Church, Mason City; Mr. Joe Ellerbroek, St. Timothy’s Church, West Des Moines; Ms. Deb Leksell, Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster City; The Rev. Judith Crossett, Trinity Church, Iowa City; Ms. Annaleah Moore, St. Paul’s, Council Bluffs; The Rev. Canon Kathleen Milligan, Des Moines (& diocesan examining chaplain)
    Terms Expiring 2022: The Rev. Vincent Bete, St. Anne’s by the Fields, Ankeny; The Rev. Stacey Gerhart, Calvary Church, Sioux City; The Hon. Greg Jones, Standing Committee; The Rev. Jennifer Masada, New Song Church, Coralville; Mr.  David Moore, St. John’s by the Campus, Ames
    Ex officio: The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe (Diocese of Iowa, Des Moines)

    Professional Development Leave Committee
    Terms Expiring 2023: Ms. Kevin Sanders, St. Luke’s Church, Cedar Falls - reappointment 
    Terms Expiring 2021: Dr. Sigmund (Sig) Barber, St. Paul’s Church, Grinnell; The Rev. Canon Kathleen Milligan, Des Moines
    For Terms Expiring 2022: The Rev. Kevin Goodrich, St John’s Church, Dubuque; Mr. David Smith, Grace Church, Decorah  


2019: 167th Annual Diocesan Convention

  • Diocesan Pension Fund Treasurer: Ms. Anne Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

    Editor of IOWA CONNECTIONS: The Rev. Meg Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

    Companion Dioceses Coordinators
    Diocese of Brechin: Mr. Jim Conger, New Song, Coralville, Diocese of Swaziland: The Rev. Stacey Gerhart, All Saints, Storm Lake/Calvary, Sioux City
    Diocese of Nzara: Mr. Ray Gaebler, St. Timothy’s Church, West Des Moines

    Co-Global Missioners (including oversight of Global Goals): The Rev. Suzanne Peterson, Des Moines, The Rev. Melody N. Rockwell, Cedar Rapids

    Ecumenical Officer:The Rev. Jean McCarthy, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Diocesan Altar Guild: Ms. Stephanie Wells, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

    Disaster Relief Coordinators: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s Church, Shenandoah : The Rev. Martha Lang, Trinity Church, Muscatine

    Episcopal Relief & Development Representative: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s Church, Shenandoah

    United Thank Offering Coordinator: The Rev. Richard Graves, St. Paul’s Church, Marshalltown

    Professional Development Leave Committee for Terms Expiring 2022: The Rev. Kevin Goodrich, St John’s Church, Dubuque – new appointment, Mr. David Smith, Grace Church, Decorah - reappointment. Others continuing on this committee for terms Expiring 2020: Mr. Kevin Sanders, St. Luke’s Church, Cedar Falls. Terms Expiring 2021: Dr. Sigmund (Sig) Barber, St. Paul’s Church, Grinnell, The Rev. Canon Kathleen Milligan, Trinity Church, Muscatine

    Diocesan Representative to Province VI Council: Thee-year term ending 2022: The Rev. Zebulun (Zeb) Treloar, St. Paul’s Cathedral

    Diocesan Historiographer: Ms. Vicki Ingham, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

  • 167 A (Amended) Adopted

    167B Support of resolutions from the Diocese of Swaziland - adopted

    167C ADD CANON 38 Of the Election of Bishops - adopted

    167 D Proposed Amendment to Article III of the Constitution of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa - adopted

    167E Strategic Review - referred to the Board of Directors

    Journal -166th Convention (includes minutes of the 2018 convention)

    2020 Proposed Budget - Approved

    2019 Reports to Convention Booklet

    Election Results

  • Constitution & Canons of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa

    Congregational Vitality Report - view or download a copy. Is your church missing from the report? Email us with the information

2018: 166th Annual Diocesan Convention

JOURNAL OF THE 165th ANNUAL CONVENTION (includes minutes of the 2017 convention)



Standing Committee: Anne Williams (C), Karen Brooke (L)

Directors of the Episcopal Corporation: Judith Crossett (C), Alescha Caldwell (L), Paula Sanchini (L-one year)

Chapter Representatives to Directors of the Episcopal Corporation: Diane Eddy (C-East), Marilyn van Duffelen (C-West), Jeff Cornforth (L-N Cedar Valley), Susie Messer (L-Southeast)

Disciplinary Board: Catherine Quehl-Engel (C), Jean McCarthy (C), Beth Stence (L), Katherine "Kay-Kay" Saunders (L)

REPORTS TO CONVENTION includes all written reports as well as Voting Procedures and Rules of Order

Presiding Bishop’s Sermon from the closing Eucharist

2017: 165th Annual Diocesan Convention

Click here for a re-cap of the exciting happenings at the 165th Annual Diocesan Convention as reported in "Iowa Connections" Winter 2017

Journal of the 164th Annual Convention of the Diocese of Iowa (includes the Minutes of the 2016 Convention)

2017 Election Results

Resolutions Report - Approved (updated 10-24-17)

Reports to Convention (updated 10-17-17) Includes: 2017 Convention Committee Members (pg 14), Proposed 2018 Budget (pg 67), Explanation of Hare Transferable Ballot (pg 111)


2016: 164th Annual Diocesan Convention

Actions of the 164th Annual Convention 10/29/16

Election Results

2017 Diocesan Budget (As approved by Convention 10/28/16)

Reports to 164th Convention (2016)

Journal of the 163rd Annual Convention of the Diocese of Iowa (includes the Minutes of the 2015 meeting)

"Reparations and Reconciliation" from Trinity Institute

Indaba Summary #1, Indaba Summary #2

Bishop Gregory Palmer's keynote address to the 164th Convention of The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa. Bishop Palmer serves as the leader of the Ohio West Area of The United Methodist Church.