The 20th Sunday after Pentecost

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From Bishop Scarfe

Each Sunday, it is a joy to welcome you to diocesan worship offered online from different congregations in Iowa. We know that we also have visitors from further afield. Congregations of various sizes have led us in praise and prayer to God; and we expect to continue this offering at least through the balance of the year. So please consider becoming one of the places that might contribute to our weekly gatherings. As I say, congregations of all sizes of membership are encouraged to lead us, and Meg Wagner will help guide you through the platform we use for the service. Some services are live (and often have a practice ahead of time); others are pre-recorded. For my part, it is an honor to be able to give a short welcome each Sunday. 

One area I refer to each week is for the participants to remember the ongoing financial needs of their congregation. In general during our recent survey, Stewardship was marked as being well kept up on the whole; and certainly at the diocesan level we have been very grateful for your congregations' maintaining of the Stewardship Share. With that in mind, I want to direct your attention to the notice sent out by the Ways and Means Committee reminding you of the Jubilee invitation by the diocese. We are coming to the end of the time in which you can benefit from this three month forgiveness of half your congregations' monthly Stewardship Share. Please remind vestries and leadership of this opportunity.

In the peace and love of Christ,


The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe

Bishop of Iowa

Bishop Search Update

The Bishop Search and Nominating Committee has posted the Diocesan Profile. The Diocesan Profile informs prospective bishop candidates about our diocese and helps them to discern whether they might be called to lead us.

The committee has begun receiving nominations. Whether nominating oneself or someone else, names may be submitted through November 13 by emailing contact information (e.g. email address) of the nominee to or by mailing to Iowa Bishop Search, P.O. Box 366, Cedar Falls, Iowa 50613.


Diocesan Online Worship Continues

The diocesan worship opportunities that are available online will be found on the diocesan Facebook page, the diocesan Youtube channel, and will be available on the diocesan website. Call-in option for members who only have access to phones (participants on the phone will NOT be able to be heard but will be able to hear the service): 312 626 6799 and enter the Meeting ID as prompted: 365 765 527#

This Sunday, worship will be offered by members of the Simpson Youth Academy and young adults from across the diocese at 10:00am


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The convention will be held online October 24th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

10:00 AM Plenary One

12:45 PM  Plenary Two

2:45 PM  Plenary Three

If you are registered, you can download the Whova app to your mobile device and/or get access through the web portal. Create an account using the same email you used for registration.

Download a step-by-step guide to using our event app, Whova.




  • October 17: Practice Session at 10:00am, Resolutions Hearing at 11:00am, Budget Hearing at 1:00pm 

  • October 20: Practice Session at 7:00pm

  • October 22: Resolutions Hearing at 7:00pm

  • October 24: Convention 10:00am-5:00pm 

Visit the convention webpage for more information.

How to identify scam emails

It seems we are in another season in which scam emails (designed to look like they come from our bishop) are increasing in frequency. Please remember that the bishop and the bishop's staff only use emails that end in for diocesan business. If you receive an email with the bishop's name, but from another email address, it is a scam. To learn how to report scam emails, click here.


Resources from Beloved Community Initiative:

Meg Wagner