The 19th Sunday after Pentecost

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From Bishop Scarfe

With convention just around the corner I want to encourage you to pay attention to its various parts. This year, with a virtual convention, we need to get familiar with the technological aspects of our gathering. We will be accessing the event through an app called Whova (see convention information below). Once downloaded, you will be able to familiarize with the resolutions, see the budget for 2021, and read the various reports on the past year. We are holding practice sessions for your delegates and clergy on Saturday October 17th, and again in evening of October 20th. I cannot stress enough the importance of getting used to this way of gathering in convention. The more we can learn upfront, the smoother our ability to enjoy the actual day. 

The Convention Planning Committee has been meeting online on a weekly basis so as to become more at ease with the technology. We take an increasing portion of our time to rehearse the convention, going through the agenda in its parts over the weeks, until, as theater buffs might call it, we have been holding full run-throughs. The less anxiety we feel about the mechanics of the convention, the more we will be able to pay attention to one another, and give thanks for all that has past, and anticipate with resolve what is to come. 

The theme of Convention carries over from last year—and it couldn’t be more relevant: The Simple Way. I reviewed my sermon from last year’s convention and came across these words: 

“I don’t think we really know where a (guiding) theme of The Simple Way will take us. Maybe it’s about strategic review. Maybe it’s about sharing our resources in that way. Maybe it’s about dismantling the entire diocesan structure altogether. So that the time we have can be among the poor. So that the energy that we have can be for justice. So that the money we have can be distributed amongst the most needy. What kind of constitutional amendment would we need to perform that? To say, that we don’t come to our churches any more. We come into our neighborhoods. And we support the churches in our neighborhoods, and our neighbors and what they are doing? And if there is no such place, then we create our own. …What would all that look like? How can we make these structures of ours more pliable, more porous so that we can make different decisions about what we are to do with the things that are given to us? How can we do all that and still maintain our place?” 

If that was a way of looking at what it means to find the simple way, then we could say that the pandemic has helped us along. I would love to see us aim for a simple return to in-person worship by All Saints Day, for those who are ready. It is a Sunday, and so well positioned to receive us. I think we can manage to work on plans that respect our “viral footprint:” the basic requirements of masking, physical distancing, good ventilation, and washing hands, and the added care for minimal liturgical choreography, shorter services when indoors, and simple movement. We would all need to appreciate “small church” with larger churches worshiping in smaller groupings. It can be done, and your submitted congregational plans have paved the way. Certainly The Simple Way speaks to us once more, and will shape this convention. 

Another theme of this convention stems from the racial reckoning that has been working out in our society. One resolution to convention is of particular note in this regard, as it seeks to address the need for racial healing in our society, and it calls the diocese on its part to a fifteen-month season of “Truth and Healing.” We will hold opportunities for pre-convention discussion on the resolutions in our 11:00am session on October 17th and 7:00pm on October 22.

The Convention Eucharist will still be held. On Sunday, October 25th, St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in Des Moines will host a virtual Eucharist at which I will preside and preach. The service will be our diocesan offering for that day; and available in real time from the diocesan website, on Facebook, on the diocesan Youtube channel, and will be available to watch later for those of you who will be experiencing your own local gathered worship.

For all of this, let us offer a prayer for our convention: “Almighty and everliving God, source of all wisdom and understanding, be present with us as we prepare to take counsel in convention for the renewal and mission of your Church. Teach us in all things to seek first your honor and glory. Guide us to perceive what is right, and grant us both the courage to pursue it and the grace to accomplish it; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.”

In the peace and love of Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe
Bishop of Iowa

Bishop Search Update

The search process continues to stay on schedule despite the challenges imposed by the coronavirus. The Transition Committee met for a virtual organizing retreat at the end of August and is now in the initial planning stages for events that will happen after the slate of candidates has been announced. The committee will be looking for additional support as those events start to take shape.

Members of the Transition Committee are: The Rev. Elaine Caldbeck, chair, Mr. Jacob Deng Aleer, Ms. Deb Brewer-Cotlar, The Rev. Mary Cole-Duvall, The Rev. Kevin Emge, The Rev. Stacey Gerhart, The Rev. Raisin Horn, The Rev. Bob Kem, Ms. Eve Mahr, Mr. Parker Meinecke, Ms. Cristine Mincheff, The Rev. Ruth Ratliff

In August, the Standing Committee, along with the BSNC, enthusiastically welcomed The Rev. Kim Turner Baker and Ms. Donna Prime to the search committee. Ms. Hannah Landgraf and Mr. C. J. Petersen have transferred to the newly formed Bishop Search Advisory Group and are joined by Ms. Katy Lee.

The BSNC anticipates publishing the Diocesan Profile in the coming weeks and will soon be receiving applications and nominations. The Standing Committee remains profoundly grateful for the creative and dedicated work of these two committees.

Diocesan Online Worship Continues

The diocesan worship opportunities that are available online will be found on the diocesan Facebook page, the diocesan Youtube channel, and will be available on the diocesan website. Call-in option for members who only have access to phones (participants on the phone will NOT be able to be heard but will be able to hear the service): 312 626 6799 and enter the Meeting ID as prompted: 365 765 527#

This Sunday, worship will be offered by members of St. John's in Dubuque, Iowa at 10:00am


A Service of Prayer for the Nation

You are invited to join us in prayer for the nation hosted and led by Trinity Cathedral, Davenport, at 4 pm on Sunday, October 11. The service will incorporate readings, collects, and music with invitation and blessing given by Bishop Scarfe.


Evensong with our companions in Scotland

The Cathedral Church of St. Paul Dundee will be ‘hosting’ the annual Forbes evensong this Sunday 11th October at noon (Central time) by Zoom. The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe will be the guest speaker. All are very welcome to join the Zoom service.

Zoom Meeting: 
Or dial in by finding your local number:
Meeting ID: 968 8001 9285 Password:777710  

Faithful Innovations

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Since the diocesan-wide Faithful Innovations Training Workshops could not be held in-person this year, we're offering a "taste" of some of the Faithful Innovations practices via short (less than 1 hour) Zoom sessions over the next few months. All are welcome to join in these "Listening at Lunch" sessions - your congregation does not need to have signed up for the trainings in order for you to participate in these sessions. Email Traci Ruhland Petty for the Zoom login information or if you have questions

Upcoming "Listening at Lunch" sessions (all are from Noon-12:45pm):

  • Thursday, October 15

  • Thursday, November 19

  • Thursday, December 17

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The convention will be held online October 24th from 10:00 am to 5:00 pm.

10:00 AM Plenary One

12:45 PM  Plenary Two

2:45 PM  Plenary Three

Already registered? You can download the Whova app to your mobile device and/or get access through the web portal. Create an account using the same email you used for registration.

Download a step-by-step guide to using our event app, Whova.




  • October 14: Last day for visitors and vendors/exhibitors to register 

  • October 17: Practice Session at 10:00am, Resolutions Hearing at 11:00am, Budget Hearing at 1:00pm 

  • October 20: Practice Session at 7:00pm

  • October 22: Resolutions Hearing at 7:00pm

  • October 24: Convention 10:00am-5:00pm 

Visit the convention webpage for more information.


Click on the picture to access our COVID-19 resource page:

Resources from Beloved Community Initiative:

Meg Wagner