The Second Sunday of Advent

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From the Bishop

At the next Tuesday gathering of clergy and lay leaders responsible for congregations, I am inviting members of the Task Force on Re-gathering to join the conversation so that we can assess where we are with regard to the pandemic and the possibilities of in-person worship over the winter.

I think that it is helpful for our congregational leaders to hear what the Task Force is thinking as we read the data on coronavirus across the state; and it is important for them to hear your concerns and reflections, and to discuss with each other directly. I appreciate the willingness of our communities of faith to abide by the guidelines we have issued, and I understand how difficult this has been.

In preparation for that meeting, I want, once more, to reiterate where we are in those guidelines; and what other options there might be for our current circumstances. First, some current history: after Convention, I was entertaining ideas that we could configure ourselves as congregations within small groups or circles of discipleship. I had envisioned that these circles could be groups of 8-10 or so people who would become “a pod” or “bubble” able to gather for worship, prayer, bible study online, or in person, including reserving space in the Church building. Then, the November surge of infection rates began to happen. Soon we were doubling and quadrupling the number of infections a day, and hospitalization rates were rising with warnings of overextension of medical resources. All of this was occurring as we approached Thanksgiving, and we are still waiting for the outcome of the Thanksgiving activity.

The task force shared the small group concept with a group of medical experts from the University of Iowa and Johns Hopkins University, who strongly advised limiting the groups to 4-5 persons given the high rate of new infections and our increasingly strained hospital system. That would mean local gatherings for worship of 4-5, including personnel needed for broadcasting the worship. With the uncertainty Thanksgiving gatherings have created, and as we approach Christmas worship, will we have the opportunity to increase the small group limits? What do we need to increase in-person gatherings? This is the heart of the discussion I want us to have. Presently the Task Force and I are not advising shifting beyond the 4-5 in-person metric for indoor worship at Christmas with the current data.

IF the reported new case rate were to drop back down—to fewer than 25 cases per 100,000 level in your county then gatherings at Phase 2 capacity levels would be possible and small groups of 8-10 could form “bubbles” that meet regularly in person for worship and study. We will also continue to watch positivity rates as part of the constellation of data we monitor, with emphasis focused on these new-case numbers (per 100,000) as a kind of “north star” to guide us.

Of course, we assume as givens the application of other practices such as mandatory masks in worship, physical distancing, intensified hygiene, no congregational singing, and limiting socialization. We are learning from the hospital settings that transmission happens when protocols break down; and we might see protocols working so well that we lose sight of it being those very protocols that keep us safe and healthy. So I invite you to join me in recommitting to safe practices and to showing compassion for those in our communities—as we grieve in the midst of loss, as we faithfully watch and wait till we can be gathered together in joy—all with the sure and certain hope that God is with us all the while.

In the peace and love of Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe
Bishop of Iowa

Diocesan Online Worship

The Second Sunday of Advent

The diocesan worship opportunities that are available online will be found on the diocesan Facebook page, the diocesan Youtube channel, and will be on the diocesan website. Call-in option for members who only have access to phones: 312 626 6799 and enter the Meeting ID as prompted: 365 765 527#

Join us on Sunday for Holy Eucharist offered by members of St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in Des Moines at 10:00am.



Resources for Advent and Christmas


Mini-Retreats: H.O.P.E

The Small Church Core Team in the Diocese of Iowa invites you to a series of four mini-retreats focused on HOPE during these changing times.

Join us on Saturday December 5, 2020; Saturday January 16, Saturday February 6, and Saturday March 6.

From 9:00 am to 10:00 am. We will gather using Zoom technology.

Topics for each session include:

  • Healing and Hope on December 5

  • Opportunity for Community and Hope on January 16

  • Patience and Hope on February 6

  • Expectation and Hope on March 6


Dismantling Racism Training

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Grounded in The Episcopal Church's commitment to dismantling racism as essential to our formation as Christians, this ONLINE training is open to all persons who would like to deepen their understanding of racism, prejudice, and privilege.

The training will consist of 2 sessions from 10:00am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-2:30pm


Young Adults

Friday, December 4 at 7:00pm

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Join with other young adults as we engage with the monthly dismantling racism resources offered in the "2020 Vision for Becoming Beloved Community."

The month of November was focused on "Moving from ally to accomplice." Join us to talk about what we have learned by engaging with one or more of the items listed under each of the headings - Learn, Notice, Engage - on the 2020 Vision November page.

For Zoom login information, contact Traci Ruhland Petty

Youth Ministry

Youth Check-in on Wednesday, December 16th

  • 7pm for 4th-8th

  • 8pm for 9th-12th

Zoom information will be emailed on Monday. If you do not receive monthly Youth Ministry updates, please contact Amy Mellies at or at 515-277-6165.

Diocesan Christmas Playlist

Do you have a favorite Christmas or Advent song? Help us make a playlist featuring favorites from people around the diocese by submitting a song here. We'll put all the songs into one playlist and send out a link where you can listen to holiday music chosen by your friendly neighboring Episcopalians.

Questions? Contact Traci Ruhland Petty: 515-277-6165 x202

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Discipleship Circles

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Read more about Discipleship Circles, how you might get circles started in your congregation, and find resources for circles to use for worship, study, and prayer.

Another way of thinking about them might be House Churches - read here about how small church groupings are helping members of a Lutheran church in Detroit connect, pray, worship, and study together.



Free to a good church home

St. Andrew's in Waverly has a children's altar that they would like to give to an Episcopal church. The dimensions: 55” long, 25-1/2” deep, 36” high (front) & 40” high (back). Contact Anne Wagner if interested.

Meg Wagner