Seventh Sunday of Easter and Plans for regathering for in-person worship

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Ascension Day Message from Bishop Scarfe


Abounding in Hope



The Diocese of Iowa Plan for Regathering for In-Person Worship

The Bishop's Task Force on Regathering has prepared the diocesan guidelines for regathering for in-person worship over 4 phases. The document contains questions for clergy, church leaders, and staff to use as they begin to think about safely regathering in our churches for worship. At each of the different phases, it takes into account health characteristics that should be in place in the counties where church members and staff live and work. The webpage offers additional resources to support churches as they make their own plans, using the guidance in Abounding in Hope.

ALL churches must submit their plans using this online form or by emailing this downloadable form to After the bishop has approved the plan, with the advice of the Bishop's Task Force on Regathering, and has verified that the health characteristics of the area allow for regathering, churches may begin to hold services in-person. 


Diocesan Online Worship Continues

This Sunday, worship will be offered by St. Paul's in Durant at 10:00am and will be found online on the diocesan Facebook page, the diocesan Youtube channel, and will be available on the diocesan website. Call-in option for members who only have access to phones (participants on the phone will NOT be able to be heard but will be able to hear the service): 312 626 6799 and enter the Meeting ID as prompted: 365 765 527#


GILEAD Grant Applications Open

Who Can Apply?

Congregations, worshipping communities, chapters, or individual members of the Diocese of Iowa may apply for GILEAD funds. Partnerships with non-Episcopal entities are welcome and encouraged, but an Episcopal entity must serve as the reporting agent and the project leader must be an Episcopalian who is a resident in the Diocese of Iowa.

Grants are available in these categories: 

  • Beginning a New Worshipping Community

  • Beginning a New Ministry or Strengthening an Existing One

  • Liturgical Space Renewal

  • Support for Recently Ordained Clergy

  • Formation for Youth or Young Adults

  • Leadership Development

  • Evangelism

  • Expanding Tools & Technology

Learn more

Changes, Cancellations and Postponements


The Family of The Rev. Canon Ron Osborne has shared the following updated obituary that reflects the currently rescheduled date for his memorial service: August 8th at 2:00 pm, Trinity Episcopal Church, Waterloo.   

  • Summer Ministry School and Retreat will not happen this year. Due to COVID quarantine and safety concerns, Grinnell College will not be hosting events in June. Both SMSR and the Small Church Summit that was to be at the same place and time have been re-scheduled for June 25-27, 2021.

  • EPIC Summer Camp is Changing to Online. Read More

Diocesan Staff

The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa office staff will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future (and our building will remain closed to the public). All of our "virtual" offices will be closed on Monday for Memorial Day. Our regular working hours remain 8:30am to 4:30pm Monday-Friday and we will be continuing to check voicemail and email regularly. Mail will continue to be received at the physical/mailing address. We encourage and welcome contact by alternate means (phone, email, Zoom) and are here to be of support and remain available to our congregations especially during this time.

Meg Wagner