Seventh Sunday of Easter

This week I had plans to write about Ascension Day and this significant time for patience and expectation as we approach the Day of Pentecost and the gift of the Holy Spirit. The announcement, however, from the CDC on Thursday that fully vaccinated people may stop wearing masks and physically distancing in most public settings has raised pressing questions on how this welcome and surprising news impacts us as Church. It is clear that the announcement underscores the efficacy of the vaccines, for which we give thanks, and the importance of getting as many people vaccinated as possible. And, of course, it is something for which we have been praying for quite some time. We continue our prayers as the availability of the vaccines and their rollout continues to differ around the world.

As the Task Force on Regathering met on Friday afternoon, we were reminded that we still need “to practice appropriate caution and provide thoughtful leadership in how we gather.” Even in many parts of Iowa, vaccination rates are not yet where we would like them to be. In addition, children ages 12 and up are just now eligible to be vaccinated; some have received their first dose, leaving them and our youngest children still vulnerable. Many of our Iowa congregations include people who are unvaccinated, including children, older persons who have not yet have been vaccinated, and some who may choose not to be vaccinated. Unvaccinated people of any age are more likely to get the virus and spread it to others.

Churches in our diocese will not be requiring proof of vaccination at the door, and the Regathering Task Force is not comfortable creating a different set of rules for vaccinated and unvaccinated people within our worship spaces. We know that the virus is still present within our communities, that it is still contagious, and that it is still dangerous for those who have not yet been vaccinated.

So, for the time being, whenever we gather for worship that may include non-vaccinated people INDOORS, we continue to recommend that all wear masks and that households remain six feet apart. Congregational singing should be avoided indoors until transmission rates in your county move into Phase 3 levels. When gathering for worship OUTDOORS, we recommend choosing EITHER masks OR distancing in order to keep non-vaccinated people safe. Small groups that meet, and feel comfortable sharing their vaccination status, may decide that they do not need to wear masks while they are meeting. Groups that still include a majority of unvaccinated people (including youth groups or children’s formation activities) should still practice masking and distancing to keep each other safe.

With this latest information from the CDC, the Regathering Task Force plans to make revisions to the Abounding in Hope guidance and will continue to incorporate the wisdom of public health officials and epidemiologists in Iowa as to when we will have achieved a vaccination rate that will allow us to safely worship indoors without masks and distancing. It was a joy to see today that much of Iowa is now in Phase 3, with transmission rates slowing, positivity rates generally decreasing, and vaccination rates rising. Together, we look with hope towards the day that we move into Phase 4.

It follows that this remains a time for patience and expectation. God who has poured Love into our hearts through gift of the Holy Spirit (Romans 5:5) continues to sustain us as we gather in ways that do not exclude or put at risk some members of our communities and do not require unvaccinated or vulnerable members to choose between being safe and participating in worship.

In the peace and love of Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa



Diocesan Online Worship

Join St. Alban's, Davenport for online worship at 10:00am.

GILEAD Campaign

for enews spread word.png

Spread the word!

Share information about the campaign with your congregation.

Materials can be copied into your congregation's newsletter, bulletin, website, or social media (and can be customized upon request).

Download here:
Half Page Inserts (8.5x5.5):
-- Vertical layout
-- Horizontal layout
Facebook Post
Text Only Word Document


GILEAD Grant Spotlight: St. John's, Mason City

St. John's received an "Expanding Tools and Technology" Seed Grant to secure the proper equipment needed to be able to stream services through various online platforms, going forward. Grant funds are being used to purchase equipment including cameras, microphones, computer, input switcher, software, workstation, mounting hardware, ethernet cables, upgraded internet, and their installation aspects.

After churches closed to in-person services due to COVID last year, St. John's began providing services over streaming applications for the first time, and realized that it was necessary to expand their technology in order to more easily provide engaging online services. Providing online services offers a way to connect with homebound members and parishioners who are traveling or unable to attend an in-person service, and offers an opportunity for evangelism to a broader community. They've already seen this in action as they've had people tune in online who are visiting the church for the first time. Online streaming gives people an opportunity to experience and familiarize themselves with the worship service, and removes a barrier for folks who may not be comfortable visiting in person. For these many reasons, St. John's sees the need to continue offering online access even after in-person worship resumes.

Sacred Ground Circles

Sacred Ground is a sensitive, prayerful resource that creates space for difficult but respectful and transformative dialogue on race and racism. It invites participants to walk back through history in order to peel away the layers that brought us to today, reflecting on family histories and stories, as well as important narratives that shape the collective American story. It holds as a guiding star the vision of beloved community – where all people are honored and protected and nurtured as beloved children of God, where we weep at one another’s pain and seek one another’s flourishing.

Circles will meet every other week for 11 sessions via Zoom:
Mondays - FULL
Tuesdays - FULL
Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm beginning 5/27
Sundays 1:30-3:30pm beginning 5/30

Vestry Update and Training


As Annual Meetings conclude, please send updated Vestry lists to Elizabeth Adams at


New Vestry members need to complete these 2 trainings within the first six months of joining the Vestry:
Safeguarding Training

Each congregation has a Safeguarding Administrator to set you up with online training. You can contact Amy Mellies at for contact information.
Dismantling Racism Training


EPIC Diocesan Summer Camp 2021: July 5-9

The EPIC planning team has been very busy planning an in-person camp this year. EPIC will look different for a number of reasons, partly because we will be at a new location, the Christian Conference Center in Newton, and because of COVID protocol.

EPIC is for youth entering 4th grade through 12th grade. Registration will open on May 1 at 10am. 50 spots are available for in-person camp and is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Cost is $350 per camper and scholarships are available upon request. You can register below or find more information on the Children and Youth Ministry page of the diocesan website.

We will also be offering EPIC Online. Each day you will be sent videos based on scripture and topics for the day, craft supplies, t-shirt and other camp staples. We will have live events throughout the day so online campers can connect with in-person campers as well. Cost is $25. You can sign up for EPIC 2021 Online beginning on May 1 at 10am.




Celebrating 2021 Graduates

As we did in 2020, we would like to celebrate our graduates of 2021. We will celebrate graduates from pre-school, kindergarten, 5th grade, 8th grade, high school or college.

Please send us a photo and brief description of your graduate so we can celebrate them as a diocese in our weekly e-News and on social media. Send information to Amy Mellies at

SMSR Zoom Picnic: June 25, 6-8pm

You are invited to a diocese-wide ZOOM picnic of Episcopalians in the Diocese of Iowa.

This fellowship event replaces the Ministry School & Retreat 2021 and all the great social time we’ve come to enjoy as part of that annual gathering.

What will we do?
Pray together
Breakout rooms for small group or one-on-one interaction.

What should I bring?
Your favorite ice cream or snack
Your favorite beverage
A silly hat or costume
Playful attitude


Preparing to Sing Again

In this video, Bishop Scarfe welcomes Mark Babcock (St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral), Patrick Hansen (Regathering Task Force) into a hosted conversation with representative members of Iowa congregations as they discuss "Preparing to Sing" and some gradual best practices that might fit the local context in terms of size of space and what Phase they find themselves in within their particular county (see:

Preparing to Sing Document

One in the Spirit: Pentecost Way of Love Revival Weekend

The Episcopal Church greets Pentecost with One in the Spirit, a Way of Love Revival Weekend designed to fan the flames of hope, celebrate difference, honor creation, foster beloved community, and send people toward Jesus’s Way of Love. The weekend of events includes the following:

  • Saturday, May 22, 6-7:30 p.m. ET: Concert for the Human Family and “From Many, One” Community Conversations

  • Sunday, May 23, 4-5:30 p.m. ET: Churchwide Pentecost Revival Worship from Philadelphia, Navajoland, Seattle, St. Louis, and Washington, D.C.


In These Uncertain Times

In These Uncertain Times - A Concert for the Human Family w/ Kory Caudill

A virtual concert experience featuring original music from Kory Caudill + Wordsmith, recorded live at Philadelphia Episcopal Cathedral


Philly Virtual - Cathedral (FB Event).png

Episcopal Diocese of Iowa Revival 2021

Calling all musicians! If you would like to contribute your musical talents for the diocesan revival with the Presiding Bishop, email

Magazine fb event REVIVAL.png


  • Zeb Treloar has accepted a position as rector at St. John's and chaplain for the Episcopal College Foundation at Murray State University.

  • Stacey Gerhart was called as rector of the newly merged St Thomas' with Calvary, Sioux City; in addition to ongoing work with All Saints'-Storm Lake.

  • Sherri Hughes-Empke is serving as missioner with Spanish-speaking ministries for the diocese, along with her assisting at St Mark's-Des Moines.


Podcast Corner

Everything Happens with Kate Bowler

Life isn’t always bright and shiny, as Kate Bowler knows. Kate is a young mother, writer and professor who, at age 35, was suddenly diagnosed with Stage IV cancer. In warm, insightful, often funny conversations, Kate talks with people about what they’ve learned in dark times.



A Mellies