Second Sunday after Epiphany


These are extraordinary times in which we live. And I want to encourage us to be an extraordinary people of prayer over these next few days. In closing words to a Zoom gathering of bishops and canons on Monday, the Presiding Bishop asked for a final word— “I just want to emphasize this one thing—do not underestimate the power of prayer.” He affirmed prayer, and called us to prayer. And I want to underline that invitation.

Many of us have been re-discovering our prayer books while being Church at home; and these next few days are an important period to find our voices before God as we face a Presidential transition surrounded by threats and dangerous rhetoric. There are resources provided by The Episcopal Church to use from Sunday through Wednesday in preparing for the Inauguration. In the Diocese of Iowa, we begin our prayers on Sunday January 17th, at 10am as we center our worship of God around the readings and prayers assigned for celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. And we continue our prayer vigil on Tuesday evening through the offering of Night Prayer in a diocesan-led online service at 8pm.

Jesus presents Himself to us as the Way, the Truth and the Life. I remember a phrase used by Pope Francis about a global crisis to which he as pope admitted he saw no clear way forward to its resolve. His prayer was to present it to the Risen Lord for his solution. “Nothing can separate us from the Love of God in Christ Jesus,” says Paul to the Romans. These are the days to remind ourselves of such truths, as we in this moment learn the meaning of our faith in one who is our Way, our Truth, and our Life. And who can bring us all to the presence of the Holy One.

In the peace that surpasses our understanding,
The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa

Diocesan Online Worship

Join us on Sunday for Holy Eucharist offered by Beloved Community Initiative 10:00am.

The diocesan worship opportunities that are available online will be found on the diocesan Facebook page, the diocesan Youtube channel, and will be on the diocesan website. Call-in option for members who only have access to phones: 312 626 6799 and enter the Meeting ID as prompted: 365 765 527#

Night Prayers: on the eve of the Inauguration

Bishop Scarfe invites the diocese to prayer on the evening before the Presidential Inauguration. Please join us for a simple service of music, prayer and scripture at 8:00pm on Tuesday. You are invited, wherever you are watching from, to light a candle at the beginning of the service.

Other prayer opportunities

National Council of Churches Virtual Interfaith Prayer Service of Reflection, Lament, and Hope
Friday, January 15, 11:30 am ET/10:30 amCT, Livestreamed from the NCC Facebook and YouTube

Three Days of Prayer & Action #PeaceWithJustice
January 17, 19, and 20
Join in with Christians from all across the country - from across denominations and traditions - to pray and act.

Poor People's Campaign Prayer for Beloved Community in the Midst of COVID and Chaos
Sunday, January 17, 8:00 pm ET/ 7:00 pm CT, Livestreamed from the PPC Facebook.

COVID-19 National Memorial Event, Lincoln Memorial Reflecting Pool, Washington D.C.
Tuesday, January 19, 5:30 pm ET/ 4:30 pm CT
People are “invited to join Washington, D.C. in illuminating buildings and ringing church bells at 5:30 p.m. ET in a national moment of unity and remembrance.”

H.O.P.E. Mini-Retreats

The Small Church Core Team in the Diocese of Iowa invites you

to a series of four mini-retreats focused on HOPE during these changing times.

Join us on Saturday, February 6, and Saturday, March 6.

From 9:00 am to 10:00 am. We will gather using Zoom technology.

Topics for each session include:

  • Healing and Hope on December

  • Opportunity for Community and Hope on January

  • Patience and Hope on February 6

  • Expectation and Hope on March 6

Dismantling Racism Training

Register for online training

Grounded in The Episcopal Church's commitment to dismantling racism as essential to our formation as Christians, this ONLINE training is open to all persons who would like to deepen their understanding of racism, prejudice, and privilege.

The training will consist of 2 sessions from 10:00am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-2:30pm, with a break for lunch.


Youth Check-in on Wednesday, January 20

Join us for two Youth Check-ins on January 20th. 7pm will be for grades 4-8 and 8pm will be for grades 9-12.

Zoom information will be emailed. If you would like the link to join, please contact Amy Mellies at or at 515-277-6165.

Becoming Beloved Community Where You Are

January 15-18, 4th-12th grades

We are deeply disappointed to announce that our Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. event will be canceled because of low registration. We know
that youth and families are overwhelmed at this time with a world of online requirements.

We encourage you, as you are able, to join in some of the online opportunities offered around the state to honor the life and legacy of Dr.
King, Jr. as well as celebrate with us on Sunday, January 17 at 10:00 am for our worship service.

University of Iowa Martin Luther King Jr: Celebration of Human Rights

Free virtual screening of "John Lewis: Good Trouble" from Jan 15-30

"We the People: Protest and Peace, "will feature musicians and speakers, as well as a short service to honor Dr. King's legacy. You can register for the event online.

Des Moines Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Virtual Celebration

Iowa Department of Human Rights Dr. Martin Luther King Jr: Virtual Celebration

Faithful Innovations

Thursday, January 21 at Noon

Come and see, or send someone from your congregation to check out this congregational development practice. All are welcome to join in these "Listening at Lunch" sessions.

Email Traci Ruhland Petty: for the Zoom login information or if you have questions.

Save the Dates for future sessions: (3rd Thursdays of the month at Noon) January 21, February 18, March 18


Epiphany Conversation Series

Thank you to everyone who participated in our first conversation this past Wednesday!
If you missed this first session, there's still time to join in, click below to register.

Click Here to Register

Questions about the series? contact Rev. Tom Early:
Questions about registration or technical assistance? contact Traci Ruhland Petty:

Epiphany is the season where light returns with longer days in the Northern Hemisphere. In this growing brightness, we pray that we might know Christ and join in the work he is calling us to do. As God’s will is best known in the context of community, we invite you to gather with us weekly during Epiphanytide where we will use biblical texts and the questions posed by Mark D. W. Edington’s book We Shall Be Changed: Questions for the Post-Pandemic Church to reflect on where Christ is calling us from and discern where Christ is calling us to in the future.

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GILEAD Grant Spotlight: St. Martin’s, Perry

St. Martin's is using an "Expanding Tools and Technology" GILEAD Grant to expand their outreach to members and the community through the use of new technology. Funds are being used to purchase equipment, including a camera, microphone, PA system, and more. Check out their social media pages to see live and recorded services made possible by this newly purchased equipment.

St. Martin’s Facebook Page

St. Martin’s YouTube Channel

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Documentary Screening

You are invited join Iowa Interfaith Power & Light on January 19, for a free screening of the short film Unbreathable followed by the webinar,

Unbreathable No More: The EPA and Clean Air in 2021.

The right to clean air is an environmental justice issue, affecting communities of color and low-income communities at much higher rates. Air pollution directly contributes to health issues such as asthma, heart ailments, and cancer. Justice calls people of faith to work in solidarity with these communities to create a world where all can thrive.

Join this screening and webinar to learn how you can plan to take action in 2021.




Free to a good church home

St. Andrew's in Waverly has a children's altar that they would like to give to an Episcopal church. The dimensions: 55” long, 25-1/2” deep, 36” high (front) & 40” high (back). Contact Anne Wagner if interested.


Mental Health Resources

This pandemic has been a hard time for all of us. Here are some Mental Health Resources for you to use or share with others. These are also available at or on our website on the Children and Youth page under Resources and Documents.


Click on the picture to access our COVID-19 resource page:

A Mellies