Fifth Sunday of Easter


It has been wonderful to witness the generosity of the people of the Diocese of Iowa towards the resourcing of mission and ministry through the GILEAD Campaign. The GILEAD Campaign ingathering for mission and ministry runs through the Day of Pentecost 2022, and so, if you have not already done so, I am inviting you to support the campaign and make a pledge for this final year of GILEAD funding.

Please consider joining the efforts of many others in the diocese who have already raised more than $1.3 million for our shared ministry and mission. Proceeds go towards congregational projects and personnel needs. Last year we were able to give grants totaling $85,526 to fourteen applicants for a wide range of ministry projects and personnel. Because GILEAD offers donors the opportunity to designate a portion of their gift towards their local congregation, our churches also have been receiving quarterly amounts as designated by their members. Our companion dioceses of Brechin, Nzara and Swaziland have received up to $21,000 each for their ministry needs as a GILEAD Companions tithe.

With the Board of Directors’ wise decision to distribute annually 25% of GILEAD proceeds received by May 30 each year through the GILEAD grant process, your gifts will be making an immediate impact for a number of years. In addition, I see this as a great witness to any incoming Bishop of our commitment to mission. So, the more we give to the GILEAD Fund, the longer our ministries can benefit from its ongoing resourcing.

Last year, the GILEAD grants covered a wide range of ministries—from an associate priest subsidy at the Cathedral in Des Moines, to various projects for upgrading technological ability to become hybrid congregations moving forward through the pandemic. St. Thomas, Sioux City undertook a renewal effort of their liturgical space through the building of a labyrinth on the floor of the nave. School children in Storm Lake enjoy the benefits of All Saints’ backpack program. The upcoming Iowa Connection edition will feature each of the grantee ministries in depth. I am grateful to Traci Ruhland Petty, our GILEAD Administration Missioner and the Grant Committee for their work in both coordinating the grant process and also providing guidance to each grantee in refining their ministry vision.

The Preacher in Ecclesiastes invites us to “Cast our bread upon the waters, for after many days you will find it again.” One interpreter says: “(it) communicates the principle of doing as much good as you can, knowing two things: the results are in God’s hands, and you don’t know when you yourself will be in need of someone else’s generosity.” We know also that God loves a cheerful giver which I think is more a reference to the joy that giving brings than anything else. May the Spirit of God move you with generosity this season of Eastertide, and through the Day of Pentecost and beyond.

In the peace and love of Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa


Diocesan Online Worship

Join Christ Church Episcopal Church, Cedar Rapids for online worship at 9:00am.


GILEAD Campaign


Spread the word!

Share information about the campaign with your congregation.

Materials can be copied into your congregation's newsletter, bulletin, website, or social media (and can be customized upon request).

Download here:

Half Page Inserts (8.5x5.5):
-- Vertical layout
-- Horizontal layout
Facebook Post
Text Only Word Document

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A.C.T.S. - After COVID Telling Stories of the Spirit

Celebration of A.C.T.S. - May 1, 2021 9:30am - 12:00pm

As a diocese, we know each of our churches experienced a variety of challenges and new experiences. We know all of our people found themselves confronted with risks, new ideas, sorrows, excitement, and love. And as life with a pandemic moves on, we would like to reflect and celebrate where we have been and where we are sensing we might be moving. One thing we know is that God has been and is with us on this journey. We know the Spirit has been active in so many ways in our lives.

We will share stories from around the diocese about this year in the pandemic. Time in smaller groups to explore ideas and questions.

A time of celebration and learning.
All are welcome!



For your prayers during Eastertide: 40 Devotions on Creation

Bishop Scarfe is inviting individuals and congregations in Iowa during Eastertide to make use of a set of devotions from the 'Green Anglicans' network; as Brechin had done in Lent to honor the memory of Bishop Ellinah Wamukoya. The Planting Seeds of Hope devotions are available for download here and you're asked to enter at the beginning during this Earth Day week, lifting the strength of our collective prayers daily for 40 days, for hope to rise around 'this fragile earth, our island home'


COVID Vaccine Information

A tool to help you track down COVID-19 vaccine appointment openings at Iowa pharmacies. Updated every minute - keep refreshing the page or clicking "Check for New Appointments"

Now tracking 400+ locations around Iowa. Find a location close to you that has appointments available, then click the 'Book an Appointment' link.


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Sacred Ground Circles

Sacred Ground is a film- and readings-based dialogue series on race, grounded in faith. Small groups are invited to walk through chapters of America’s history of race and racism, while weaving in threads of family story, economic class, and political and regional identity.

The 11-session series is built around a powerful online curriculum of documentary films and readings that focus on Indigenous, Black, Latino, and Asian/Pacific American histories as they intersect with European American histories.

Circles will meet every other week for 11 sessions via Zoom:
Mondays 6:30-8:30pm beginning 5/24
Tuesdays 6:30-8:30pm beginning 5/25
Thursdays 6:30-8:30pm beginning 5/27
Sundays 1:30-3:30pm beginning 5/30


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Dismantling Racism Training

Register for Training

Grounded in The Episcopal Church's commitment to dismantling racism as essential to our formation as Christians, this ONLINE training is open to all persons who would like to deepen their understanding of racism, prejudice, and privilege.

The training will consist of 2 sessions from 10:00am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-2:30pm, with a break for lunch.

MAY 22



Vestry Update and Training

As Annual Meetings conclude, please send updated Vestry lists to Elizabeth Adams at


New Vestry members need to complete these 2 trainings within the first six months of joining the Vestry:

Safeguarding Training
Each congregation has a Safeguarding Administrator to set you up with online training. You can contact Amy Mellies at for contact information.

Dismantling Racism Training
Visit the Beloved Community Initiative website for upcoming Dismantling Racism Training dates.


EPIC Diocesan Summer Camp 2021: July 5-9

The EPIC planning team has been very busy planning an in-person camp this year. EPIC will look different for a number of reasons, partly because we will be at a new location, the Christian Conference Center in Newton, and because of COVID protocol.

EPIC is for youth entering 4th grade through 12th grade. Registration will open on May 1 at 10am. 50 spots are available for in-person camp and is based on a first-come, first-serve basis. Cost is $350 per camper and scholarships are available upon request. You can register below or find more information on the Children and Youth Ministry page of the diocesan website.

We will also be offering EPIC Online. Each day you will be sent videos based on scripture and topics for the day, craft supplies, t-shirt and other camp staples. We will have live events throughout the day so online campers can connect with in-person campers as well. Cost is $25. You can sign up for EPIC 2021 Online beginning on May 1 at 10am.


Youth Led Compline

Join the youth of the diocese as they lead Compline on Wednesday, May 5, 2021 at 7pm on Facebook at Diocese of Iowa Youth.


Celebrating 2021 Graduates

As we did in 2020, we would like to celebrate our graduates of 2021. We will celebrate graduates from pre-school, kindergarten, 5th grade, 8th grade, high school or college.

Please send us a photo and brief description of your graduate so we can celebrate them as a diocese in our weekly e-News and on social media. Send information to Amy Mellies at


Des Moines Pastoral Counseling Center: Prairie Fire

How's your spirit growing?

Explore PrairieFire -Open House!
Tuesday, May 25 from 6-7 PM

Do you desire a more meaningful life enriched by a deepening spiritual awareness, new ways of building and contributing to community, or living authentically in an increasingly challenging and unpredictable world? Consider applying for PrairieFire. A new class will be forming in the fall of 2021, and we will begin accepting applications in January, 2021. Please contact Andrea Severson with questions or to register for an open house:


A Mellies