Fifth Sunday of Easter


Diocesan Online Worship Continues

This Sunday, worship will be offered by Christ Church in Cedar Rapids at 10:00amand will be found online on the diocesan Facebook page, the diocesan Youtube channel, and will be available on the diocesan website . Call-in option for members who only have access to phones (participants on the phone will NOT be able to be heard but will be able to hear the service): 312 626 6799 and enter the Meeting ID as prompted: 365 765 527#



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Applications Open May 15

In the midst of these uncertain times, we’re excited to announce that GILEAD Grant process is able to proceed, and grants will be available starting this year. As we navigate physical distancing and think about what it means to be a community, to “be church”, perhaps you’ve seen some new ideas spark or innovation happening, and you could use some funding to help those ideas or projects move forward– we hope you’ll consider applying for a GILEAD Grant.

Questions to consider as you think about potential grant projects:

What are we noticing?

What questions are emerging?

What might God be up to or nudging us toward?

Who Can Apply?

Congregations, worshipping communities, chapters, or individual members of the Diocese of Iowa may apply for GILEAD funds. Partnerships with non-Episcopal entities are welcome and encouraged, but an Episcopal entity must serve as the reporting agent and the project leader must be an Episcopalian who is a resident in the Diocese of Iowa.

Grants are available in these categories: 

  • Beginning a New Worshipping Community

  • Beginning a New Ministry or Strengthening an Existing One

  • Liturgical Space Renewal

  • Support for Recently Ordained Clergy

  • Formation for Youth or Young Adults

  • Leadership Development

  • Evangelism

  • Expanding Tools & Technology

Celebrating Graduates

Do you have a graduate in your home or congregation that we should be celebrating? With the cancellation of graduation ceremonies and other celebrations this year, we would like to give a shout out to all of those graduating. This person could be graduating from pre-school, kindergarten, 5th grade, 8th grade, high school or college. Send us a photo of them and a short bio and we will highlight them on our Facebook page!  

Please send this information to Amy Mellies at  by May 15th.

Bishop Search Survey Available Online

If you have not yet attended a Listening Session, been interviewed by a BSNC member, or completed a survey, the Bishop Search and Nominating Committee would like your input in an on-line survey. The survey is available at: .

The committee will be developing a Diocesan Profile to inform prospective bishop candidates about our diocese and to help them discern whether they might be called to lead us. Your input helps us to assure that the profile reflects the part of the diocese where you worship and serve! Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts. For questions or other communications, you can contact the BSNC by emailing .

Online formation opportunities

  • St. Alban's in Spirit Lake is offering an Adult Bible Study on Wednesday nights at 7:00pm. Learn more and sign up here.

  • St. John's in Dubuque offers an online Adult Forum/Bible Study at 9:00am each Sunday. Register here.

  • A 4-week class exploring different prayer practices with Br. Jamie Treloar from the Order of St. Anthony the Great will be offered Thursday nights at 7pm starting May 14th. If you are interested in attending, you may email to receive a Zoom link.

  • Trinity Church in Waterloo offers "Zooming Theology" on Thursdays at 8:00pm. Email to get the Zoom link. On Wednesday mornings they also offer a Preschool Chapel on Facebook.

Is your congregation offering an online formation opportunity that is open for others in the diocese to attend? Let us know so we can help get the word out!

Changes, Cancellations and Postponements

  • Summer Ministry School and Retreat will not happen this year. Due to COVID quarantine and safety concerns, Grinnell College will not be hosting events in June. Both SMSR and the Small Church Summit that was to be at the same place and time have been re-scheduled for June 25-27, 2021.

  • EPIC Summer Camp is Changing to Online. Read More

  • Commission on Ministry's May Meeting has been cancelled.

Meg Wagner