e-News: November 2021

From Bishop Scarfe

Few words are better than many after such a wonderful weekend of love, celebration, and ongoing resolve which made up the convention. Donna and I are so grateful for your expressions of appreciation and for the creative ways the Transitions Committee and diocesan staff managed to have us say farewell in so meaningful a manner. I know that we were disappointed to be virtual again, and though it may work for farewells, we still have not had a suitable way to welcome our Bishop-elect because welcoming really does need an in-person experience. It will make December 17th and 18th all the more anticipatory.

Yet we were able to carry out the business of the diocese in one day. The farewell celebrations on zoom brought many of us together who would not have been able to be so in person. To be able to live chat with Dean Advent from the Diocese of Swaziland would probably not have occurred to us prior to this pandemic, and that we were able to have him witness our passing of a resolution of support for the people of Eswatini was important. We continue to hold them all in prayer, and especially as it has been announced that the College of Bishops of the Province of Southern Africa will elect the new bishop of Swaziland on December 2nd.

Our other resolves at convention involved resolutions related to racial justice that basically included the Diocese of Iowa in a few resolutions intended for General Convention by a larger body representing several dioceses. They concerned the continuation of Episcopal Church funding in the next triennium budget for the promotion of “the Beloved Community of healers, justice makers, and reconcilers”; an encouragement by General Convention for the continued use of the Sacred Ground curriculum; and the consideration of Juneteenth as a day of commemoration as part of The Episcopal Church Lesser Feasts and Fasts.

We pass through this time of transition as we are being called once more to pay serious attention to our care for creation. It is two years since we were challenged by Bishop Ellinah and the Synod of the Diocese of Swaziland to embrace our version of being Green Anglicans. And our companions in Brechin have picked up the pace as they prepared for the hosting of COP26 in Scotland and have launched several local initiatives, including weekly challenges from the Cathedral’s Eco-group. It was good to greet Bishop Cathleen Bascom, Bishop of Kansas and former Dean of the Cathedral of St. Paul in Des Moines, at the Opening Eucharist on Friday. Bishop Bascom is a member of the observing deputation for The Episcopal Church for COP26, and is a leading voice for Green Anglicanism within the House of Bishops. I know that we have a number of advocates for creation care among us in Iowa, and I encourage you to find each other and work together maybe along the lines that the Faith in Action Facebook page managed to pull civic advocates together. We have a Facebook page entitled Creation Care Iowa, and it needs your leadership and use to coalesce our active response. Please let me know if you are interested.

I always see convention as a watershed moment within the year, typified by the setting of a new theme for the year, in this case into 2022. Our 2021 Revival theme, Love Ignites, that carried us into convention was intended to connect us with the hopes and aspirations that the Revival invited of each of us. It is a theme also that suits the saying of goodbyes, and the offering of welcome. Love ignites both these moments, and my faith is that our love fostered in the Name of Jesus will only grow. God bless you and keep you.

In the peace and love of Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Alan Scarfe, Bishop of Iowa


Consecration Information


10:00-11:00am Presiding Bishop to meet with Diocesan Clergy at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown

11:00-12:00pm Clergy lunch at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown

3:00-4:30pm Consecration rehearsal for those involved in the service at Lutheran Church of Hope, 925 Jordan Creek Parkway, West Des Moines


11:00am Consecration Service followed by a reception at Lutheran Church of Hope. Congregations are invited to bring a banner and stand for the processional. A diocesan choir is being formed, please fill out the RSVP to join. The entire service will be live-streamed, so you can join us in real time if you are unable or prefer not to attend in person.


10:00am Holy Eucharist and Seating of the 10th Bishop of Iowa at St. Paul's Episcopal Cathedral in Des Moines. The entire service will be live-streamed, so you can join us in real time if you are unable or prefer not to attend in person. RSVP to attend in person.


A block of rooms is reserved at the Des Moines Marriott Downtown at a rate of $110 per night. Use this link to reserve a room or call (515) 245-5500 and let them know you are booking a room for the Consecration of the 10th Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa. Reservations at the discounted rate must be made by November 24.

RSVP required by Dec. 3. Masks are required for all Consecration events.



169th Diocesan Convention

Thank you to all who attended the 169th Diocesan Convention. Please fill out our SURVEY so we can continue improving our annual convention.
If you took notes in a breakout session and have not sent them in already, please send your notes to diocese@iowaepiscopal.org.

Election Results

Standing Committee - 3 year term expiring 2024
The Rev. Stephen Mark Benitz (St. John’s, Mason City)

Ms. Karen Brooke (Trinity Cathedral, Davenport)

Disciplinary Board - 2 year term expiring 2023
The Rev. Eric Joseph Rucker (St. Andrew’s, Des Moines)
The Rev. Anne Williams (St. Mark’s, Anamosa)

Ms. Cyndy Danielson (St. Michael’s, Mount Pleasant)
Ms. Ann Marie Papouchis (St. John’s, Mason City)

Directors of the Episcopal Corporation - At Large
The Rev. Judith Hale Crossett (Trinity, Iowa City) - 3-year term
The Rev. Diane Eddy (St. Mark’s, Maquoketa) - 2-year term

Ms. Tiffany Farrell (St. Luke’s Cedar Falls) - 3 year term

Directors of the Episcopal Corporation - Chapter Representatives - 3 year term expiring 2024

Southeast Chapter - The Rev. Kenneth ‘Ken’ Messer
West Chapter - Ms. Amanda EH Beller (St. Thomas’, Sioux City)
East Chapter - Margaret ‘Maggie’ Tinsman (St. Peter’s, Bettendorf)
North Cedar Valley Chapter - The Rev. Sue Ann Raymond (St. James’, Independence)

Bishop appointments for 2022

Diocesan Pension Fund Treasurer:Ms. Anne Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

Editor of Iowa Connections: The Rev. Meg Wagner, Diocese of Iowa

Companion Dioceses Coordinators, Diocese of Brechin: Mr. Jim Conger, New Song, Coralville

Diocese of Swaziland: The Rev. Stacey Gerhart, All Saints, Storm Lake/St. Thomas, Sioux City

Diocese of Nzara: Mr. Ray Gaebler, St. Timothy’s Church, West Des Moines

Global Missioner (including oversight of Global Goals): The Rev. Melody N. Rockwell, Cedar Rapids

Ecumenical Officer

The Rev. Jean McCarthy, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

Altar Guild Directress: Ms. Stephanie Wells, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines

Disaster Relief Coordinator: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s Church, Shenandoah - Seeking team members – especially from the Central Iowa and the Eastern Iowa regions. If you are interested in Relief coordination work, contact Holly Scherff, also our Episcopal Relief & Development rep.

Episcopal Relief & Development representative: The Rev. Holly Scherff, St. John’s Church, Shenandoah

United Thank Offering Coordinator (team): The Rev. Diane and Mr. David Eddy


Commission on Ministry
Re-appointments with Terms Expiring 2024:
The Rev. Stephen Benitz, St. John’s Church, Mason City
Ms. Deb Leksell, Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster City

New appointments, Term Expiring 2024:
The Rev. Jean Davis, St. Paul’s Cathedral, Des Moines
The Rev. Kris Leaman, St. Mark’s Church, Fort Dodge
Mr. CJ Petersen, Trinity Church, Denison

New appointment (Term Expiring 2023):
Ms. Vicky Matthiessen Krause, Christ Church, Burlington

New appointments, (Term Expiring 2022):
Ms. Sarah Thompson, Grace Church, Cedar Rapids
The Rev. Jane Stewart, New Song, Coralville


Professional Development Leave Committee Terms Expiring 2024:
Dr. Catherine Gillespie, Cathedral Church of St. Paul, Des Moines
Dr. Mary Jane Oakland, Diocese of Iowa

Diocesan Representative to Province VI Council:
Ms. Ann McLaughlin, Church of the Good Shepherd, Webster City

Diocesan Historiographer: Dr. Hal Chase, St. Andrew’s Church, Des Moines


Safe Church, Safe Communities

New Safe Church Policy

Starting in February 2020 a group consisting of William Graham, William Smith, Rev. Kris Leaman, Tiffany Farrell, and Amy Mellies worked to adapt the model policy which was passed at General Convention in 2018. In January of 2021, in consultation with the Standing Committee, the Board of Directors adopted the policy and the group has been editing the document since then. The policy consists of three segments: Policies and Procedures for the Protection of Children & Youth, Vulnerable Adults, and Pastoral Relationships. The policy can be found on the Safe Church page on our diocesan website and can be found HERE as well.

Church governing bodies and all leaders should understand these policies and all local requirements thoroughly enough to make appropriate judgments and should consult with the Office of the Bishop when unanticipated situations arise. Therefore it is up to each congregation to take this policy and revise it to fit the needs of their congregation. Vestries are asked to fill out this FORM that they have been given the updated policies. Leaders may also upload changes your vestry is suggesting be made to fit the needs of your congregation.



L.O.V.E., such a common and widely used word; Listening, One day at a time, Visioning, and Evangelizing. In November we will be taking a closer look at Evangelizing. Time in small groups will allow us to explore thoughts and questions raised by the meditations. Each session will conclude with a sharing of important “learnings” captured informally by the Zoom chat function. What better way to spend 90 minutes on a Saturday morning!

Recognizing that each of us has wisdom to share and through some of the “miracles” of technology we are able to share and listen to many across this diocese, we encourage you to come be part of this experience. Our expectation for this time together is the chance to deepen our personal understandings as well as continue the building of relationships.

LOVE mini-retreat schedule: 9:00am - 10:30am via Zoom

One Day at a Time
Evangelizing – Saturday, November 20

“And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three, and the greatest of these is LOVE.” 1 Cor. 13:13



Dismantling Racism Training

Grounded in The Episcopal Church's commitment to dismantling racism as essential to our formation as Christians, this ONLINE training is open to all persons who would like to deepen their understanding of racism, prejudice, and privilege.

The training will consist of 2 sessions from 10:00am-12:00pm and 12:30pm-2:30pm. Sessions are limited to 25 attendees, so you may be placed on a waiting list when the session is full.

Dismantling Racism: Training for Church Leaders is a training day that is required of all lay and ordained leaders in The Episcopal Church (including vestries, search committees, diocesan leadership, etc.).

Mental Health

Children, Youth and Family Mental Health Funds Request Form
The Episcopal Diocese of Iowa, through a GILEAD Grant, has funds available to assist with co-payments for mental health related appointments for children, youth, and families. You may request incremental funds for up to $50 per appointment. A completed request FORM is required for each appointment. You must submit a receipt for reimbursement or have a bill sent to the Diocesan office. Funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis.

You can find more information and resources HERE or email the team at bhmt@iowaepiscopal.org.


Behavioral Health Ministries News

It's November and that means we are entering the holiday season, now that Halloween is in the books. The first of the Christmas advertisements are hitting the television airways and I heard a Christmas carol playing in the background of a store just the other day. As joyous as this season is supposed to be, it can be darned tough on so many folks. There is pressure and expectations of the perfect meal or the perfect gift, wrappings, gatherings, and so on.

Then there are the folks who are simply grateful to get a free meal offered from the Salvation Army or another church group, sharing food as well as fellowship. There are the families who cannot provide the shiny most wanted toy of the season for their children, there are fresh relationship breakups and then there are the forgotten elderly or mentally ill folks who spend just another day alone.....

To read more from the BHMT Newsletter click HERE or visit our WEBPAGE.



It's official! We are thrilled to announce that 18 grants were approved this year for funding, totaling $136,500!

Check out this video, debuted at Convention, about the creative projects and ministries that have been funded through the GILEAD Grant program, and get a glimpse at this year's grantees!

CLICK HERE to watch the video, and CONGRATULATIONS to our 2021 Grant Recipients!


Episcopal Service Corps

Episcopal Service Corps

Service. Prayer. Justice. Vocation. Community. Leadership. These are the core values that shape and inform every aspect of a Service Year through Episcopal Service Corps. It's these values that set us apart from other post-graduate options. And it's these values that drive our Corps to engage the transformative power of a Service Year.

Are you a young leader 21-32 intrigued by the idea of devoting a year of your life to creating change in the world, and in yourself?

Join ESC for an online Open House on Saturday, November 13 pm at 3 pm Eastern/2 pm Central/1 pm Mountain/12 noon Pacific.

Register: https://episcopalservicecorps.org/open-house/


Stephen Ministry - Bridge Leader Training Course

This live, interactive online course fully equips lay leaders, church staff, and pastors to begin and lead Stephen Ministry in their church. It makes full use of the brand-new Stephen Ministry training materials we recently redesigned and rebuilt from the group up, helping congregations more effectively meet the ministry challenges of a changing world.

In case you're unfamiliar, Stephen Ministry is a lay caring ministry churches can use to train, organize, and supervise a team of congregation members to provide one-to-one, Christian care to people experiencing a wide range of life difficulties.


Episcopal Migration Ministries

Thousands of Afghan evacuees are temporarily living in military bases, awaiting reunions with family members and transportation to their final destinations — but they need our help to get there. Your extra airline miles can fill this urgent need. Learn how to pledge your miles to the Billion Mile Challenge at welcome.us/miles.


Podcast Corner

Bible Stories for Snarky People

A dad-and-daughter team takes on the Bible one book at a time. Josh tries to read the Bible to Sarah while she interrupts. But that's OK, because when you're reading the Bible, the best thing you can do is ask lots and lots of questions! ... Even if they're a little bit sarcastic.


A Mellies