Staff Retirement Announcement


From Bishop Monnot:

Dear siblings in Christ,

As you know, life is full of transitions. At this time in our common life in the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa I write to let you know of an important transition: John Doherty’s decision to retire at the end of January after ten years of faithful and dedicated service on diocesan staff. Please read this message from John.


From Rev. John Doherty

I joined the Diocesan Staff on January 1, 2015, and my primary role was Coordinator of the Diocesan Convention and database management. While continuing as coordinator for the annual convention, in more recent years I've served as the liaison to the Small Church group and the Chaplains to Retired Clergy. I am also the diocesan coordinator of Education for Ministry (EfM).

I was the coordinator for ten annual conventions and one special convention. I fondly remember these conventions; one which featured our then Presiding Bishop, The Most Rev. Michael Curry; the special convention which elected our current Bishop, The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot, the 10th Bishop of Iowa; and those attended by Bishops from our Companion Dioceses of Brechin, Eswatini, and Nzara.

Ordained to the diaconate in 2007, I will continue to serve at St. Paul’s Episcopal Cathedral in Des Moines, and as a volunteer Education for Ministry Coordinator for the diocese. I enjoyed collaborating with the wonderful people on the diocesan staff, both past and present. They made work joyful. I will miss them. Retirement will provide more time to spend with my children and grandchildren who live nearby. Jan and I are planning to travel more frequently. We will remain living in Iowa where you may find me bicycling or running on the trails. Our garden will receive more attention. Getting my hands into the good earth always feeds my soul. I have great hope for the future of the Diocese and for my retirement. In the words of Robert Browning:

Grow old with me.
The best is yet to be, the last of life, for which the first was made.
Our times are in the hands of the one who said “A whole I planned, Youth shows but half; trust God; see all, nor be afraid!”   


All of us on staff will miss John’s presence among us. His steady and cheerful coordination of diocesan conventions for the past decade has been a bedrock of support for everyone in this diocese. In addition, his behind-the-scenes work on the database was essential to the smooth running of the diocese, and his work with the Small Church group and the Chaplains to the Retired Clergy has been an important contribution to the pastoral ministry of the diocesan staff. I am deeply grateful that John has asked to remain as the Diocesan Coordinator of Education for Ministry, and I am glad to appoint him to that position in a volunteer capacity. The staff is heartened in that we know that we will still see John frequently around the diocese, and we wish John and his wife Jan all the best in retirement.

Yours in the abundant life of Christ,

The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa

Traci Petty