New Hire Announcement: Interim Beloved Community Missioner
From Bishop Monnot:
Dear siblings in Christ,
I am delighted to welcome the Rev. Lizzie Gillman to my staff as the Interim Beloved Community Missioner. Lizzie has been an advocate for mercy and justice for all in the state of Iowa for years, and she is frequently to be seen lobbying legislators at the Iowa statehouse. Her congregation, St. Andrew's in Des Moines, is active in ministry to the poor and marginalized in their neighborhood. Lizzie will continue at St. Andrew's and is taking this interim position as the Rev. Nora Boerner transitions into full-time service as Rector of Trinity, Iowa City. Please join me in congratulating Lizzie and welcoming her to this new ministry!
Yours in Christ,
The Rt. Rev. Betsey Monnot, Bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Iowa
From Rev. Lizzie Gillman
On my office door, two sticky notes remind me daily of my call: “Pay attention to the margins” and “Celebrate the small.” In a world where prophets and justice seekers must adjust their volume to be heard over the noise of chaos, the work of building the Beloved Community is no different—we listen, we amplify, and we persist. Whether leading antiracist book studies, advocating for trans youth at the Capitol, or equipping churches and communities with resources in times of immigration uncertainty, I strive to embody Micah’s call: to love justice, show kindness, and walk humbly with God. I live in West Des Moines, IA, with my husband, Andrew, our two loving children, a snuggly chihuahua, and the oldest hamster this side of the Mississippi. I look forward to walking this journey with the diocese as we seek justice, build relationships, and create a more compassionate world together.
The Diocese of Iowa’s Beloved Community Initiative for Racial Justice, Healing, and Reconciliation in Iowa aims to “grow a community of reconcilers, justice-makers, and healers” (Becoming, 5). Their work is organized in four major areas: telling the truth, proclaiming the dream of Beloved Community, practicing the Way of Love, and repairing the breach in society and institutions.