
The team will be able to construct an ongoing practice for growing spiritually including ways of assessing the individual growth. Team members will be able to:

1.    Complete a Team and Individual Assessment and Learning Plan

2.    Identify a spiritual companion or director.

  • Commit to regular meetings with a spiritual companion/director.

3.    Develop a practice of reflecting theologically on daily and life experiences.

  • Examine and experiment with various methods of theological reflection (see appendix) and determine a method of theological reflection that is most helpful to you personally.

  • Share theological reflections regularly as a team.

4.    Encourage members of the congregation to continue their spiritual growth.

  • Provide opportunities for congregation members to explore their spirituality and theological beliefs individually and as a group.

  • Provide opportunities for congregational members to reflect on their spiritual growth.

5.    Develop and practice methods of sharing one’s faith story with members of the congregation.

  • Discern and practice a method of articulating one’s faith story.

  • Practice regular faith sharing with members of the Ministry Development Team.

  • Ability to communicate confidently about one’s faith with members of the congregation.

  • Practice faith sharing in the wider community.

  • Explore social media opportunities.

6.    Explain and lead some form of Christian meditation 

  • Examine and practice a variety of meditational methods including lectio divina and centering prayer.

  • Determine a method personally suitable to you and commit to regular practice.