The Ministry Development Team will be able to lead the congregation in the ongoing support and growth of living a Christian life. By the end of this section, team members will be able to:
1. Complete the Team and Individual Assessments
2. Articulate what it means to live a Christian life as identified in the Baptismal Covenant. This will be demonstrated by:
An ability to define Christian living – personally and communally and how this definition is informed by the Baptismal Covenant.
An ability to define, practice and reflect on one’s Christian life using a variety of discernment practices
3. Develop a deeper appreciation of scripture from a variety of historical and interpretive perspectives
Understand the importance of reading the Bible in light of tradition and reason
4. Articulate a personal Theology of Ministry and then a congregational Theology of Ministry which can be used to organize, lead and then reflect on practical experiences (ministry).
Ability to define ministry
Develop a method of theological reflection which can be used to reflect on ministry experiences
Ability to relate ministry experiences to one’s growth in God.
Recognize the difference between “doing to” and “doing with”
5. Develop a Rule of Life
Ability to define the elements of a Rule of Life
Ability to lead individual’s development of a Rule of Life
Ability to lead the Congregation’s development of a Rule of Communal Life
Construct an ongoing practice of spiritual growth through following a Rule of Life
6. Teach the congregation about the importance of prayer and lead prayer services
Ability to define prayer
Ability to describe various types of prayer
Ability to pray with others
Ability to develop and lead prayer in public situations, planned and spontaneously
7. Develop and implement a stewardship program for the congregation
Articulate an understanding of the benefits of stewardship in one’s personal life and the life of a Christian community
The Liturgy of Baptism in The Book of Common Prayer, p.299
“The Model of a Virtuous Life” by Richard Foster
“Baptism, Eucharist, and Ministry” World Council of Churches paper
Listening Hearts by Suzanne Farnham
Grounded in God by Suzanne Farnham
In Dialogue with Scripture –Sections on "The Bible and the Episcopal Church" and "Methods for Use with Small Groups"
Reading the Bible Again for the First Time by Marcus Borg
The Book of Common Prayer Catechism
We Are Theologians by Fredrica Harris Thompsett
Let’s Do Theology: A pastoral cycle resource book by Laurie Green
3 articles on the Northumbria Community website: “How do we use a Rule as a Way for Living?” “Why do we need a Rule?” “What is a Rule of Life?”
The Practice of Prayer by Margaret Guenther
“How to Start a Prayer Journal” by Richard Foster
Holy Currencies by Eric Law
www.cslewisinstitute.org There is a good amount of information concerning the Christian Life on this website.
An Episcopal Dictionary of the Church: A User-Friendly Reference for Episcopalians by Donald S. Armentrout and Robert Boak Slocum
Convictions by Marcus Borg, Harper One, 2014
Discernment Manual from the Diocese of Iowa Commission on Ministry
Several articles by Teresa Blythe on discernment can be found on the Patheos website: Step by Step Discernment Process, Basic Principles to Help you Discern
There are discernment resources on the Quaker website and on Center for Courage and Renewal
"Theological Foundations for Ministry" By Catherine A. Deddo
Podcast: https://renovare.org/podcast/episode-56-steve-macchia-rule-of-life
Growing a Rule of Life a video course on rule of life also with an option to download workbook
Living Intentionally: A Workbook for Creating a Personal Rule of Life
Consider using and joining TENS (The Episcopal Network for Stewardship)
Resources for Stewardship on IowaShare