
The Ministry Development Team will be able to lead the congregation in the ongoing support and growth of living a Christian life.  By the end of this section, team members will be able to:

1.    Complete the Team and Individual Assessments
2.    Articulate what it means to live a Christian life as identified in the Baptismal Covenant.  This will be demonstrated by:

  • An ability to define Christian living – personally and communally and how this definition is informed by the Baptismal Covenant.

  • An ability to define, practice and reflect on one’s Christian life using a variety of discernment practices

3.    Develop a deeper appreciation of scripture from a variety of historical and interpretive perspectives

  • Understand the importance of reading the Bible in light of tradition and reason

4.    Articulate a personal Theology of Ministry and then a congregational Theology of Ministry which can be used to organize, lead and then reflect on practical experiences (ministry).

  • Ability to define ministry

  • Develop a method of theological reflection which can be used to reflect on ministry experiences

  • Ability to relate ministry experiences to one’s growth in God.

  • Recognize the difference between “doing to” and “doing with”

5.    Develop a Rule of Life

  • Ability to define the elements of a Rule of Life

  • Ability to lead individual’s development of a Rule of Life

  • Ability to lead the Congregation’s development of a Rule of Communal Life

  • Construct an ongoing practice of spiritual growth through following a Rule of Life

6.    Teach the congregation about the importance of prayer and lead prayer services

  • Ability to define prayer

  • Ability to describe various types of prayer

  • Ability to pray with others

  • Ability to develop and lead prayer in public situations, planned and spontaneously

7.    Develop and implement a stewardship program for the congregation

  • Articulate an understanding of the benefits of stewardship in one’s personal life and the life of a Christian community
