How do you talk with your neighbor about gun violence — when your neighbor is the NRA president? Article in Episcopal News Service about Gun Violence education events and marches in Grinnell, Iowa.
Liturgical Resources from Bishops Against Gun Violence
Worship resource for Gun Violence Prevention from the Presbyterian Church
Episcopal Peace Fellowship's curriculum on Gun Violence Prevention
Documentary Trigger: the Ripple Effect of Gun Violence and resources from the Presbyterian Church (includes 4 session study and action guide)
Interactive resource on gun deaths in America at
Interactive Resource on Gun Deaths in America from
Gun Violence Archive: data on gun related violence across the USA
Gun Violence: Prediction, Prevention, and Policy – American Psychological Association
reportBishop's Op Ed in DSM Register June 2, 2016 - Wear Orange to Honor Victims of Gun Violence
talking with children & Young People
How to talk to kids about school shootings: an age-by-age guide from Parents Together
Talking to Children About Violence: Tips for Families and Educators from National Association of School Psychologists
Be SMART from Moms Demand Action
Helping Children Cope with the Violent Death of a Family Member
From Mass General, Boston on talking with kids about upsetting news
Resource on Kids and Tragedy from the American Psychological Association
Ideas on how to talk with children about violent tragedies from Worshipping with Children
Strategies for Talking and Listening from PBS and Mr. Rogers
Resources from Episcopal Forma & Church Publishing: Children & Illness, Grief or Loss, Pastoral Care Resources
American Psychological Association on Violence and Aftermath of Tragedy
Suggestions from Episcopal Youth Ministries