November 1970
The Annual Convention will be held in the City of Des Moines under the sponsorship of the diocesan staff with whatever assistance they may receive from local parishes.
November 1974
The reference to a particular month being required for holding the Annual Convention was removed.
November 1975
The month of November was selected to hold the Annual Convention enabling the budget process to take place at a time after which parish income for the year would more apt to be known.
November 1984
In order to contract hotel facilities we recognized the need to contract space beyond the year-to-year basis which caused the interpretation of “Next Convention” to mean “2 years hence.”
November 1995
A resolution was passed that stated that future conventions be held in the month of October.
November 1996
Resolved, That the Convention decision of 1995 to hold Diocesan Conventions in October be rescinded and that the Board of Directors of the Episcopal Corporation be empowered to decide from now on when and where the Diocesan Convention will be held.