2025 Clergy Reporting & Renewal of Licensing Form
Who should fill this Form out:
Non-parochial clergy, retired clergy, and licensed clergy, who wish to remain licensed to serve as clergy in the Diocese of Iowa.
Due annually, end of year.
Saved progress:
If you are signed into Google your progress will auto save (you can see whether you’re signed in by what it says above the “Title” question).
Have Ready:
Your information
Your next of kin’s information including email address
Services you’ve presided or served at in the past year, including locations & details/comments (Assisting/Supply, Holy Communion, Burial Office, Solemnization of Matrimony, Daily Office, Communions to the Sick)
Other ministries do you assist with at the congregation(s) you serve? i.e. leading formation, pastoral care, training, etc.
Changes in your personal or professional life since your last report
Date of last Safe Church, Safe Communities Training
Date of last Dismantling Racism Training