As a whole church, we have promised to place the care of God's Creation at the heart of our common life. Together, we have taken up church-wide action in order to safeguard the integrity of Creation and to sustain and renew the life of the Earth.
Upcoming Events & Opportunities:
Join Iowa Interfaith Power & Light's annual Called To Climate Action Conference on Saturday, March 29, 9AM – 3 PM at Grinnell College. After, St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Grinnell will host a reception from 3:30-5PM for Keynote Speaker, the Rev. Melanie Mullen, The Episcopal Church's Director of Reconciliation, Justice & Creation Care).
Cohorts Groups
Ready to inspire your congregation to care for creation and act on climate change…but feel you need to learn a lot more yourself first? Interfaith Power & Light's new 1-year program helps clergy and their congregations to become leaders in environmental stewardship.
Bishops’ Mind of the House Statement on Climate Change
Read about the Episcopal Vision for Creation Care
Creation Care Resources from The Episcopal Church
Resolutions & Policies
Liturgical & Small Group Resources
Prairie Eucharistic Prayer by Jenn Latham
Season of Creation Prayers from Episcopal Relief & Development
An Ecumenical ministry (of which The Episcopal Church is a member) that provides Christian formation, action, and worship materials for creation justice.
Empowering Iowans of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on the climate crisis.
Fight climate change; Prevent the abuse of eminent domain; Protect Iowa’s soil, air, and water; Encourage sustainable food systems; Promote non-industrial renewable energy
Mission: to educate, advocate, and agitate for renewable energy, pure water, clean air and a healthy environment for future generations.