As a whole church, we have promised to place the care of God's Creation at the heart of our common life. Together, we have taken up church-wide action in order to safeguard the integrity of Creation and to sustain and renew the life of the Earth.



Resolutions & Policies

From General Convention 2022

Liturgical & Small Group Resources

Prairie Eucharistic Prayer by Jenn Latham

Season of Creation Prayers from Episcopal Relief & Development





An Ecumenical ministry (of which The Episcopal Church is a member) that provides Christian formation, action, and worship materials for creation justice.


Empowering Iowans of faith and conscience to take bold and just action on the climate crisis.

Fight climate change; Prevent the abuse of eminent domain; Protect Iowa’s soil, air, and water; Encourage sustainable food systems; Promote non-industrial renewable energy

Mission: to educate, advocate, and agitate for renewable energy, pure water, clean air and a healthy environment for future generations.